
Showing posts from July, 2009

My Faith

7/31/2009 6:28:08 AM SO MANY WEBSITES .. SO LITTLE TIME: The Internet is so powerful I sometimes just want to turn my computers off and just forget it. But I cannot in good faith do that. My schedule is becoming full also. Today I plan to rejoin the Silver Sneakers exercise group and then head downtown to the Americans for Prosperity for a FREE luncheon. Of course I need to pass out my business card to everyone I see also. I’m working on a new business for my son ..

Topeka 912 Project

States' Rights Committee: Here's an address that should be very useful to the sub-group putting together our educational brochure about State Sovereignty (Robynn, Deb, Don & Myron), and also for those of you looking into how other states have drafted their resolutions and/or legislation (Greg & Deb). Teresa

Glenn Beck

7/21/2009 5:47:12 AM GLENN BECK: Do you all know Glenn Beck? I do. I watch the Glenn Beck through FOX/TV @ 4:00 PM. I even DVR the show when I can’t listen live. So where am I going with this? Last night I attended Topeka 912 project committee meeting. There were 19 in attendance and we met at Mr. Goodcents in north Topeka KS. I volunteered to be a writer. I guess that’s my expertise, I write. Another more detailed word not yet in the dictionary is called blog. I will now post this to my public blog.

The Internet

7/20/2009 6:00:02 AM THE INTERNET: The Internet is a powerful tool of communication. The Internet has many different names. Here are some that come to mind. - cyberspace - web - www Just to name a few. Here are my thoughts about the Internet. The web has changed lives forever. The reason I say this is because the web is the last frontier of free speech! I am able to FREELY write what I want, when I want and FREELY post my writings to whatever web site I feel like. So I will do just that. I will now post this to OUR web.

Walter Cronkite (1919-2009)

7/19/2009 8:26:08 AM MEMORY LANE: Another Memory Lane for me is about the most trusted man in America, Walter Cronkite of CBS I remember watching Walter Cronkite in all the news regarding our nation. I first remember watching the JFK murder in Nov 1963. I was a freshman at SDSU and was getting ready for a biology lab lecture on cutting up frogs. The instructor came and said all classes at school has been cancelled, the President has been shot. So I proceeded to watch TV at the student union and there was Walter Cronkite. So the name Walter Cronkite was indeed a household name at the Adolph & CeCe home. We used to watch the CBS news from our then black and white TV. RIP my friend,

Blessings from My spouse Sally

From: "Sally Holter" To: Cc: Subject: Blessings - See attached Date: Friday, July 17, 2009 3:38 PM Let me know what you think of my writings. You may put it on our webpage please. Thanks. BLESSINGS July 17, 2009 I am blessed because I have a wonderful family. I have a husband who loves me and he is not jealous or controlling. He lets me go places with my friends and do things I would like to do within reason. I am blessed because I also have two wonderful sons and a beautiful grand daughter whom I delight in seeing from time to time. I am blessed because within our families, we have in-laws we love and can visit with and enjoy conversations, etc. I am totally blessed because I have a wonderful mother-in-law who is as sharp as she can be and 95 years old. I am blessed because I have two wonderful part time jobs. I love my job at the YMCA because the kids are so much fun. Also, the adults make me laugh as well. What could be better than doing a job you love and enjoyin...

Topeka 912 Project

Friends - While at the Round-About Cafe last month, you all graciously volunteered to help with a Topeka 912 Project committee, and I'd like to ask you to be a part of our State's Rights Committee. The first meeting will be Monday, July 20 at 6:30pm. We'll meet in the Hughes Room at the Topeka Public Library. NOTE: I'll also be sending out a notice to the whole group, in case more members want to get involved, so you'll get that second e-mail also. Sorry! This group will be led by Linda & Steve McGinnis, and will be charged with setting up a plan to convince our Kansas legislators to pass not only a Resolution, but also legislation to tell the federal government what consequences Kansas will enforce if they push us further. This is becoming a state-wide effort, and a framework is already being developed, so we'll be able to "hit the ground running". Members will be able to coordinate efforts with the Topeka 912 Town Hall Meetings committ...

gov't takeover

7/15/2009 4:48:39 AM CAP AND TRADE: What’s with this government program? I was just listening to Bill O-Reilly on Fox TV and he had Glenn Beck on. So, what is this program? I’m still trying to figure it out. I would assume that CAP means Capital and trade means trade. My question is this: Is our government trying to take over our lives? That’s my question Last night I made an appearance to city hall to just listen to the proceedings. BORING! But my good buddy, Joe Ledbetter, was there as a conferee. I use the word, “buddy”, very loosely. Joe once called me a whiner for losing the mayors race back in 2005. Rather than complimenting the folks for running for public office, Joe, runs down the folks and their shortcomings. Joe would not be a very good politician. Maybe he should run .. Ha! Joe is just retiring from Washburn law school and he brings that up most every time he gets in front of the council. Hey JOE!, you make a lot of sense my friend. It’s how you come across that r...

The Challenge of Discipleship: Conflict

Sunday, September 4-10 (A) - Matthew 18:15-20 The Challenge of Discipleship: Conflict Focus question: How is it best to deal with conflict? word of life “For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” Matthew 18:21 (NRSV) Read Matthew 18:15-20 The Gospel of Matthew emphasizes the teachings of Jesus, especially for the disciples who will be called and commissioned to make disciples. This Gospel is concerned about church and how members of the church live their lives. In fact, it is the only Gospel to refer to “the church”. Take a moment to skim through Matthew. Try to identify those passages where Jesus gives helpful instruction for those who are involved with being the church. 1. How does the Gospel of Matthew give instruction on being the church? 2. Would it have been helpful if Jesus had spent more time teaching about how churches are to be organized? Why or why not? Jesus knows he has called imperfect and sinful humans to gather as an extension of his body t...


7/14/2009 4:46:34 AM CONFLICT: Have you ever had a conflict in your life? I HAVE! I have a conflict every day in my life oF some sort. But today I’d like to write a little bit about how we can resolve any conflict, whether it be relationships, budget, family, government, whatever the conflict might be. TURN TO JESUS Sounds simple, right? It’s not so simple. Right here at our church at OSLC we have a conflict. The church committee wants to discontinue Sat. service in order to let our Pastor have two days off. We had a special meeting with the “flock” and Pastor Meggan lead us with what scripture teaches us about conflict in our lives. I feel it appropriate to scan the Lutheran ELCA scripture verse regarding conflict. The web address is: then you will be directed to: Then click on Daily Discipleship and do a search on “conflict” I’ll scan the ...

How Long has it been?

Sally & I sang this song today and yesterday. Enjoy

Weekly-WeAkly Video

7/11/2009 5:27:04 AM IT’S TIME FOR MY WEAKLY-WEEKLY VIDEO: And what will I pontificate today? How about talking about whatever comes to my mind without a teleprompter. So let me get the camera ready. 7/11/2009 5:37:04 AM OK .. My video is finished. Here’s my highlight.. or low lights (if you’re a lib) DEATH LIFE INTERNET COFFIN BAD PEOPLE GOOD PEOPLE MY FRIEND CHARLIE IS IN THE VIDEO 912 PROJECT that’s about it for this week’s version of MY weekly-weAkly myron


7/11/2009 5:11:04 AM ADD THIS TO YOUR FAVORITES: I JOINED! The Kansas 9-12 project is alive and well here in Kansas! I will now post this to our PUBLIC blog

Declaration of Independence men

Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence? Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons serving in the Revolutionary Army; another had two sons captured. Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the Revolutionary War. They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. What kind of men were they? Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists. Eleven were merchants, nine were farmers and large plantation owners; men of means, well educated, but they signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well that the penalty would be death if they were captured. Carter Braxton of Virginia, a wealthy planter and trader, saw his Ships swept from the seas by the British Navy. He sold his home and properties to pay his debts, and died in rags. Thomas McKeam was so hounded by the British that he was...

Laura Ann "Lauri" Corcoran

7/10/2009 5:39:17 AM DEATH: Last night Sally & I attended a visitation for our departed sister in Christ, Lauri Corcoran. She was the same age as Sally, 62. The following is her obit: This obit is from our local paper I was able to sign her guest book too. Lauri was cremated. Sally told me that she would like a photo show on a big screen , just like our dearly departed sister in Christ. We have MANY photos. I’m a GEEK, remember. Guess I’ll post this to our PUBLIC BLOG. I hear on the news that our government spent over 18 million for I’d do it for a whole lot less. Sally & I are webmasters for and we pay yahoo business a monthly fee. Guess I’ll post this to my blog

Topeka City Manager Interview

7/9/2009 11:04:47 AM CITY MANAGER OF TOPEKA KANSAS INTERVIEW: My interview with our city manager, Norton Bonaparte, went very well. I wanted to ask Norton the questions most everyone else is asking, “Why do we need our taxes raised?” The chopper interview can be done by the mainstream media at another time. I noticed that the cameras were rolling. I will now post this to my public blog.

Topeka Politics & Taxes

7/9/2009 7:03:30 AM TOPEKA KANSAS POLITICS Good morning everyone: Like everyone else in our finances, our city government is also struggling. Our city manager, Norton Bonaparte, wants to raise our taxes. I’m against it. My question to anyone reading this blog: Did you know that raising our taxes is a regressive tax? How much money is in the go Topeka fund? Why can’t the city leaders use that monies for roads, etc.? Has the city looked everywhere? PLEASE – PLEASE – PLEASE do NOT raise our taxes anymore! Learn from Ronald Reagan – join Join our newsgroup – Respectfully submitted

Happy Birthday Sally

7/7/2009 6:05:58 AM HAPPY BIRTHDAY SALLY! Yes indeed .. today is my wife of many years birthday. She is old enough now to receive social security, which she plans on receiving. I shared with Sally the difference between taking SS now at 62 or waiting until 65. After showing her the financial formula, she made a wise decision and decided to take the money now. Besides, we all know, the social security system is going broke. Take the money and run before it’s too late. Having my SS attached to Sal’s or conversely was also a no brainer. I’m currently receiving a federal pension and a small amount of SS. In fact, in retrospect, I probably should have waited until I reach 65. I’m too lazy to figure it out. We’re going out to eat tonight in honor of Sally’s BD. Love you babe and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Steve Burk @ Grace Cathederal Topeka

Thank you for an enjoyable time over the 4th. I sang 1st tenor. See you next year. I was able to post one song on our blogspot account. Surf on over if you feel like it and forward this email to anyone on your address book. You have my permission. Again, Good job my fellow brother in Christ, go to to listen to one of the numbers and reply in kind if you wish. I'll ADD you to my "friend" folder. Myron D. Holter 5112 SW 33rd ST Topeka KS 66614 785-272-4986 (h) 785-220-2040 (c) (web)

The Day After

7/5/2009 6:44:21 AM The day after. OK>> It’s the day after the BIG party. Now it’s time to get back to doing what you do best. So far I’m still trying to figure out what that is? Here’s another web page that I replied to: I do NOT have the answer other than to turn to Jesus for help. While one is turning to Jesus, one can ask US about Signed,

Distant Land arr. John Rutter

7/4/2009 9:11:13 PM DISTANT LAND arr. John rutter Earlier today Sally and I sang in the community choir here in Topeka KS The following are the words to this most beautiful song: I see a distant land: it shines so clear. Sometimes it seems so far, sometimes so near. Come, join together, take the dusty road; Help one another: share the heavy load. The journey may be long: no end in sight; There may be hills to climb, or giants to fight: But if you’ll take my hand, we’ll walk together t’ward the land of freedom. I hear the distant son: it fills the air. I hear it, deep and strong, rise up in prayer: O Lord, we are many; help us to be one. Heal our divisions: Let thy will be done. I know the time will come when war must cease: A time of truth and love, a time of peace. The people cry, ‘How long till all the world can join the song of freedom.’ I touch a distant hand and feel its glow, the hand I hoped was there: at last I know. Swords into ploughshares: can it all come ...

Happy 4th of July

7/4/2009 5:39:04 AM HAPPY JULY 4th Unlike most folks, I take this day to be very special. I am currently re-reading the Declaration of Independence. If you want a FREE copy of the our constitution and Declaration of Independence, merely ask for a FREE copy. The web address is Sally & I are going to celebrate this holiday by singing at Grace Episcopal Church here in Topeka KS Hopefully our son Mark will show up and use my camera to film the musical pieces. Then later on in the afternoon, we’re planning to celebrate with our OSLC church friends at the Parkers. We’re saddened to see them leave Topeka KS in a few months. Sally’s best friend is Charlene P. Here are some of my thoughts of today. Our country is the best country one could ever live in. I would NOT be writing to my blog today if it were NOT for our forefathers declaring OUR independence today. I am reminded of the now famous speech from Martin Luther King quoting from the Declaration “ALL MEN ARE CRE...

Tea Party Time

Here is an interesting article I have found at Myron D. Holter 5112 SW 33rd ST Topeka KS 66614 785-272-4986 (h) 785-220-2040 (c) (web)