6/12/2008 8:18:56 AM


My name is Myron D. Holter, an honorably discharged Air Force Veteran. I’m currently receiving a military retirement monthly pay as a national guardsman. I served four years in the active USAF Sept 1966-70. I then served various duties in the Army Reserve center, Topeka KS (1976-80?) and the 190th Air National Guard Topeka KS. 1980?-1992?) .. The dates are fuzzy as it’s been some time ago. I should have most of these records on file within the military agencies. My marriage license is filed somewhere in my home somewhere. The DD 214 is unreadable from my active duty from Offutt AFB. The DD214 form (or a similar name) is readable through the 190th administration I’m sure. I also have many records of my military here in my home. Being the unorganized person I am, I will do some home researching.

On or about annual training, (1979?-80?) with the 127th weather flight at Pinion Canyon CO I injured my back. I will try to write in my own words the sequence of events.

The mission of the 127th weather flight was to support the 35th Infantry Division with COMBAT weather support. We were ordered to deploy from Forbes Field and convoy to Pinion canyon CO south of Colorado Springs CO close to the New Mexico border.

Early Friday, the middle weekend , we were to deploy to a different location. It was early and we were in a rush. I picked up a deuce and a half army stepladder and I felt something pop. I could NOT move! The medics came and evacuated me to the mash area. I spent some time on a cot, unable to move without back pain.

Around that time frame, a severe storm threatened the area and we were ordered to evacuate immediately. I proceeded to limp myself to a medical evacuation vehicle. I remember looking out the back door and I saw the tornado damage to the mash area. The truck was literally shaking. How we escaped the storm is beyond me. Of course, my wrenched back was no help.

When we finally got to the containment area, I laid on the cot for many hours. Finally an army doctor arrived and ordered us to the Army hospital in Colorado Springs, CO. I spent the weekend at the hospital and was ordered to finish my military duty at home. I spent the rest of the week flat on my back.

The following weeks, I visited the VA hospital to try to get my back in working order. I think I attended maybe three or four sessions. We’re talking many years ago, and there should be a medical record of my visits.

Not wanting to claim disability, I wanted to finish my military career and retire honorably. I believe I served two tours of duty after that incident, Fort Stewart GA and finally Forbes field Topeka KS. During my time in Ft. Stewart GA, my back also was giving me fits, but I stayed with the training.

I have many medical records. Feel free to research the following facilities & people:

Dr. Chester Davis Topeka KS (primary physician)
Stormont Vail Hospital Topeka KS (primary hospital)
VA medical facility Topeka KS (visited numerous times)
St. Francis Hospital Topeka KS (epidural back shot)
190th Air refueling Wing Topeka KS (main personnel records)
410th Evac Hospital Topeka KS (closed)
Offutt AFB NE Omaha NE (active duty sep 1966-70)
MRI Center Topeka KS (x-rays of my back)
Heart Center Topeka KS ( I also had a heart attack)
Topeka Spine Topeka KS (to keep away the surgeons knife)
Sally J. (Corry) Holter Topeka KS (my wife since 10/04/1969)
Rebound Topeka KS (more back therapy)
BCBS federal insurance (many claims)
Tri-care West (more insurance for veterans)

I will do my research and trust that these facilities have my records on file.


Myron D. Holter
5112 SW 33rd ST.
Topeka KS 66614

785-272-4986 (h)
785-220-2040 ©

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