OSLC Midweek, July 17, 2008
Click on this link for the church calendar.
OSLC Announcements:
Discipleship Committee meets this evening at 6:30 in the Library.

We will have a youth group from Christ Lutheran in Blaine, Minnesota staying overnight at the church Friday night.

The 50th Anniversary Committee will meet this coming Sunday, July 20, following church in the library. The meetings from now on will be very important (have you noticed how fast September 27/28 is approaching?)

Page Turners Book Club will meet on Monday, July 21, at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Lynda Weaver, 6426 SW 23rd St.

Bazaar Work Session -- The next work session will be on Thursday, July 24, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. in Room A at the church. There is something for everyone to do, so please come and help us.

Sock Sunday is July 27th! Please bring at least one package of socks to church on July 27th. They
can be boys or girls socks, any size or color. These socks will be given to Quinton Heights for the
children that come to school in the winter time without socks.

Dinner for Eight -- The fall round of Dinner for Eight is upon us!! Please sign up at the Information Center
to participate in this fun, adult activity. This round will go from September through December. This is not a
gourmet group -- just a simple meal is all that is required. Each group meets four times in each other's
homes. It is a great way to get to know each other better. Sign up from this weekend through August 10. If you wish, you can email Charlene Swanson at dcswan1@cox.net with your request to be put on the list.

Please help us out! Several food containers and other kitchen related items have been “abandoned" in the kitchen over the past who-knows-how-many-months (years?). These need to be picked up by their owners by Sunday, July 27. Any “homeless” items will be donated to Goodwill on Monday, July 28. Thanks.
Thrivent Builds with Habitat for Humanity
The next scheduled build date for Our Savior’s is July 26 (Please note the change from July 19). We will be working with Faith on exterior painting. With the weather becoming warmer, work at the site begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends mid afternoon. If you are able to help at the site or by providing lunch, please contact Linda Carr at 379-5765, or by email at libmom@cox.net
Some of the other churches involved could use additional volunteers, and you are welcome to help any Saturday you’re available. If you are not able to work at the site, but would like to make either a monetary contribution or a donation of materials, please contact Regina Rohlfs. We are selling Thrivent Builds t-shirts as a fundraiser. The shirts cost $10 and may be purchased through Regina Rohlfs.

Christ Lutheran Church is having an Ice Cream Social & Pie Auction on Sunday July 20th at 6PM. This is a Habitat fundraiser and all are invited.
50 Days of Sharing
To celebrate our 50th anniversary, the Social Ministries Committee will sponsor 50 Days of Sharing, a fifty day period of sharing and giving. To kick off the 50 days of Sharing, Keith Hooper of Lebanon, Ks. will be our worship guest and will be delivering the sermon on August 9 & 10. Mr. Hooper is the founder of H.E.L.P. (Humanitarian Efforts to Lessen Poverty of Underprivileged Children in the Philippines). The foundation feeds 500 children in 4 villages daily, started livelihood projects in 7 villages, sponsors medical missions to remote areas with volunteer Filipino doctors and nurses, built and operates 2 preschools, provides funding for an orphanage, along with other programs. 100% of all contributions go to the program and all administrative costs are paid by Mr. Hooper himself.
Youth News
Saturday, July 19The LYO will be shopping for supplies to donate to the Greensburg Volunteer Village. This is made possible through previous congregational donations. Kitchen hardware is still being accepted. Thank you for all you have given.Meet 2:00 at church. LYO Mission Trip to Greensburg - July 27-July 30
There is still space available! ALL ARE WELCOME, as relief help is still much needed. Jobs range from cooking to construction. Call Clay Davis to reserve your place: 230-6088.Leave from church at 2:00.
OSLC Softball
On Monday the team picked up two wins. The next games are Monday, July 21, at 6:17 and 8:17 pm. Games are at the Kuehne Family YMCA, 1936 N. Tyler. Join us at the ball park and make a fun family evening of it.
Other Items of Interest:
Here is a request for help from Chapman.

Here is an invitation to really help out a farmer who lost all of the buildings, including his home, to the tornado. We will meet at the auto museum, North side of Chapman, at 8:30 on Saturday, July 26th. I'll figure out lunch for everyone but I'll need to know the approximate numbers of workers. The idea is that, although these fields have been walked already, now that they are harvested of wheat, they need to be walked again to remove boards and smaller pieces of tin (their buildings!) and, depending on what is found, they'll be burned and walked again this fall. We'd really like to have about 30-45 people to do a good job. Also, if folks don't want to walk as far, there are corrals that can be gleaned that are less extensive in size but just as vital to clear. If you'd let your people know and get back to me, I'd really appreciate it. If you don't have numbers, come anyway! We have found that simply e-mailing congregations and asking them to share the info and invite interested persons usually yields many servants! I look forward to hearing from you.
God's Peace to you all,
Amy Truhe, dtruhe@cox.net
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.—Albert Schweitzer.


Myron Holter said…
OSLC Midweek, July 24, 2008


Click on this link for the church calendar.



OSLC Announcements:

Bazaar Work Session -- The next work session will be on Thursday, July 24, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. in Room A at the church. There is something for everyone to do, so please come and help us.

Please don’t forget the Congregational Meeting this Sunday, July 27, after worship.

Sock Sunday is July 27th! Please bring at least one package of socks to church on July 27th. They

can be boys or girls socks of any size or color. These socks will be given to Quinton Heights for the

children who come to school in the winter time without socks.

Last Call!! Please help us out! Several food containers and other kitchen related items have been “abandoned" in the kitchen over the past who-knows-how-many-months (years?). These need to be picked up by their owners by Sunday, July 27. Any “homeless” items will be donated to Goodwill on Monday, July 28. Thanks.


Thrivent Builds with Habitat for Humanity

The next scheduled build date for Our Savior’s is July 26 We will be working with Faith on exterior painting. With the weather becoming warmer, work at the site begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends mid afternoon. If you are able to help at the site or by providing lunch, please contact Linda Carr at 379-5765, or by email at libmom@cox.net

Some of the other churches involved could use additional volunteers, and you are welcome to help any Saturday you’re available. If you are not able to work at the site, but would like to make either a monetary contribution or a donation of materials, please contact Regina Rohlfs.

We are selling Thrivent Builds t-shirts as a fundraiser. The shirts cost $10 and may be purchased through Regina Rohlfs.

Christ Lutheran Church is having an Ice Cream Social & Pie Auction on Sunday July 20th at 6PM. This is a Habitat fundraiser and all are invited.


50 Days of Sharing

To celebrate our 50th anniversary, the Social Ministries Committee will sponsor 50 Days of Sharing, a fifty day period of sharing and giving. To kick off the 50 days of Sharing, Keith Hooper of Lebanon, Ks. will be our worship guest and will be delivering the sermon on August 9 & 10. Mr. Hooper is the founder of H.E.L.P. (Humanitarian Efforts to Lessen Poverty of Underprivileged Children in the Philippines). The foundation feeds 500 children in 4 villages daily, started livelihood projects in 7 villages, sponsors medical missions to remote areas with volunteer Filipino doctors and nurses, built and operates 2 preschools, provides funding for an orphanage, along with other programs. 100% of all contributions go to the program and all administrative costs are paid by Mr. Hooper himself.

There will be a bake sale August 9 & 10. All proceeds will go to the H. E. L. P. Foundation. A sign-up sheet is located on the information desk.


Youth News
LYO Mission Trip to Greensburg - July 27-July 30

Leave from church at 2:00 pm.

Volunteer Registration and Medical forms are both required. Contact Katie Davis about getting them.

Call Clay or Katie Davis if you have any questions or are interested in going along: 230-6088.


OSLC Softball

On Monday the team won one and lost one. The next game is Monday, July 28, at 8:17 pm. Games are at the Kuehne Family YMCA, 1936 N. Tyler. Join us at the ball park and make a fun family evening of it.


Other Items of Interest:


A sobering thought: what if, right at this very moment, I am living up to my full potential.—Jane Wagner

To dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are.—Anon.

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