My WeAkly Video
2/7/2009 5:46:33 AM
My WeAkly Advice:
Good Morning everyone.
This weakly advice video is starting to be fun.
Last time I think I mentioned that we should be of good cheer, The Lord is with you. I guess I’ll lead off with that again.
My advice this week is to myself mainly. PRAY DAILY.
It seems that every day I awaken, I ask Jesus,
“What do you want me to do today?”
I then get on my computer and start writing. So I’ll now to proceed and set up my video.
2/7/2009 6:24:14 AM
While I’m uploading my video I thought I’d say a few word. .. FEW WORDS J
There is so much to say, so little time.
Later this afternoon I’ll be attending the monthly meeting at the library concerning immigration. The website is: and Paul D. is our president.
Paul is thinking of quitting. I’m trying to discourage that. We had six members show up last week.
If only the folks would listen to us regarding our problems with immigration!
I forgot to show you all a can of reliv.
Be sure to ask me about reliv too
That’s about it for this week.
Posted: 2/7/2009 6:29:34 AM