Mount Carmel Ministries

Dear friends,

We invite you to read the Bible in a whole new way!

We are excited to introduce to your our brand new blog, which launches TODAY --


It is a truly unique blog where you read through the entire Bible in about three years - one day at a time, five days a week.

Each day along with the readings, you will find art or music or poetry or humor that relates to the Scripture for the day. Your mind is expanded not only the Word of God, but by the visuals or audios that go along with it.

This all begins today May 4, 2009. You can read today's blog or, in the future, any previous day's blogs as well.

Go to today to experience this unique way to read the Bible. You may also post your comments on the blog too. Please bookmark the site so that you can go to this blog often. New posts will be made everyday, Monday through Friday.

Please feel free to pass along this email to your friends, neighbors, fellow church members, Bible study friends, relatives etc - anyone you think would enjoy reading the Bible in this unique way.

Dwelling with you,

Your friends at Mount Carmel Ministries
(home of Daily Texts and Walk Thru the Bible)

My reply:

I have been to Mount Carmel, north of Alexandria MN a few times. When I was attending Bible school back in 1965-66, I almost was a worker there. I ended up in the mountains of Idaho instead. Details later ...

My LBI friend Larry Boatman sent me this blog link.


Myron Holter said…

The above url is the full address.

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