Gospel Church (Kenya Africa)

By the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, I bless you.
Why do you ignore me and my pleas? I have been making numerous request and updates about the situation at hand here but it seems something has diverged your attention from us and you seem to doubt me and also have some reservations about us. Why do you not want to respond to me, take my calls and may be answer my texts?
Who made you to decline to help us when we are in deep need for many months?
I am so disparate and anxious. Whatever/whoever has made you forget/hate me must be very, very bad and I reverse all my hardships, needs, trials and struggles to it/him/her.
Please, Right now I am under constant stress and anxiety as we are struggling a lot. Believe me, please, we are indebted to house rent arrears of USA $500 dollars for close to 4 months. We are not having it easy, at all. We are struggling to put one light meal on the table per day. My sons are not yet to report to school when they open tomorrow, Monday, due to school fees debt and no money for this term/semester. We have no regular income right now as the only two people who used to support us with total of $250 dollars per month just relocated and still searching for jobs as they study. The small slum church ministries I serve in is not able to financially take care of itself and the needs of pastor, even every Sunday after I minister and pray for people they still beg for help and food from me others just follow me up in my house and they cry for food. We have to search odd jobs everyday and there is no employment here.
This is my suggestion:
1- Please summon anything at your sacrificial offer to urgently send me so we reduce, if not to settle, the debts on house rent, food and boys fees. Any amount will help us much.
2- Also if you can help us find a way, or person, who can offer to send us regular income per month, however the amount may be, but provided it comes to us regularly, it will help us plan better. I understand much of the west is in economic trouble, But will be faithful to pray and trust God to send in the right people to team with us.
3- You may pray about sending us anything God touches you to help us ($50, $100, $200, $500, $1000 etc) per month on regular basis.
4- Consider to send us one-time-gift support of substantial amount that will help us start one small street business selling used small items to help us get food daily as we deal with other issues God's way.
As I make my requests known to God and to you, I am honored to lift you up in prayer for God to supply all your needs, for strength, favor and wisdom on your life and for all those that God wants to be there for you. Be blessed beyond measure. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.
Vincent Barasa Maina, Pastor.
Revival Gospel Church Ministries.
P. O. Box 15818 Nakuru.
20100, KENYA. East Africa.
Cell: +254721474165
Email: maina104@hotmail.com