
Showing posts from November, 2009


NOVEMBER 2009 (UFF-DA) 11/30/2009 2:22:43 AM I would like to close this November 2009 with one word. UFF-DA To those in SW Topeka KS (like me) that’s NorVegun word. I know-I know, my spell checker is going berserk on me .. but you know what I DON’T CARE!! Currently the health at the Myron Holter household sucks, if anyone cares. Last night while working at the Y, Sally did her usual klutzy thing and ran into a bar bell machine. I walked to the Y and drove her home. It’s now 2:30 AM and I’m listening to Sally sleep and there’s no noise coming from her bedroom. That’s GOOD! Sally has sleep apnea and we cannot sleep together. But she has given me many conjugal visits. HA She asked me to take a picture of her ONCE wearing her contraption called CPAP. I guess it’s better that she wears this contraption or face death. I prefer the earlier. My question is: ?? How’s going to take care of who? Thanks GOD for our ready made caregiver son, Mark. BTW .. Did you know that I made a web pag...


YMCA: 11/29/2009 7:11:18 AM Sally & I have both worked at the YMCA. Sally is still working at the SW Y near our home. I worked part time at the downtown Y from Mar 2001-summer 2005? I could be wrong on the exact date I got downsized. Some like to say “fired”. Why am I writing about the Y? Well, I’ve decided to join Jerry C. and talk about the “C” in the Y. We meet every Tues @ 7:00 PM at the chapel. The web address that’s currently in progress is EVERYONE IS WELCOME!

Judge Andrew Napolitano

"Bud" Day, Medal of Honor Recipient

Medal of Honor recipient Bud Day Speaks of Torture I got shot down over N Vietnam in 1967, a Sqdn. Commander. After I returned in 1973...I published 2 books that dealt a lot with "real torture" in Hanoi . Our make believe president is branding our country as a bunch of torturers when he has no idea what torture is. As for me, put thru a mock execution because I would not respond... pistol whipped on the head...same event.. Couple of days later... hung by my feet all day. I escaped and a couple of weeks later, I got shot and recaptured. Shot was OK...what happened afterwards was not. They marched me to Vinh...put me in the rope trick, trick...almost pulled my arms out of the sockets. Beat me on the head with a little wooden rod until my eyes were swelled shut, and my unshot, unbroken hand a pulp. Next day hung me by the arms... rebroke my right wrist... wiped out the nerves in my arms that control the hands... rolled my fingers up into a ball. Only left the slightest...

Black Friday

BLACK FRIDAY: 11/27/2009 4:12:03 AM Why do they call it that? .. Who knows? Maybe it’s because all these retail outlets are banking on their financial futures on one day. As for my house, and me, we’ll stay home thank you. My Thanksgiving is one of dizziness, headaches and now the common cold. Hopefully it’s just the common cold and not the swine flu. UFF-DA Yesterday we picked up our son and enjoyed a feast at the AG hall here in Topeka. I shared my business card with the folks. I might ask Sally to not have our friend Julie S. over for after Thanksgiving feast. I was able to take a photo of our non-burned #20 turkey this year. If you want to see the picture, you’ll have to visit our web. I’ll lead you in the right direction. All in all, our Thanksgiving was a blessing. We have Jesus in our hearts, and that’s all that matters. L8r

Thanksgiving Day

THANKSGIVING: 11/26/2009 4:56:22 AM HAPPY THANKSGIVING! What should you do to celebrate Thanksgiving Day when you’re sick? I looked in my throat and saw some white blotches in there. The dizziness continues too I guess I’ll go through my computer and get rid of unwanted emails. OH WELL!


GOD WHO GOD WHAT:YMCA WHEN: Every Tuesday @ 7:00 PM WHERE: Petro chapel 421 Van Buren Topeka KS 666?? WHY: To discuss the “C” in YMCA


THANKSGIVING: 11/24/2009 1:25:37 PM Here are SOME of the things I am Thankful for: - Jesus dying for me - Sally, my wife of many years - The Internet - Our Friends - My family - My mother CeCe Holter - For being a Holter - For having a sense of humor - For being FREE - For having Charlie (our dog) for 11 ½ years - For the liberals who blog with me on cjonline (you know who you are) - For Mark Holter - For John Holter - For Madeline Holter - For the mother of Madeline giving birth to our only grandchild - For Dave Ramsey - For our OSLC friends - For my parents for instilling in me Christian values. - For my military service to our Country. - For Rush Limbaugh/Sean Hannity/Bill O-Reilly & Fox news - For talk radio - For RELIV - For our founding fathers - For my siblings and their families - For my being who I am .. whatever that might be - For having a purpose driven life. - For NOT burning the turkey on the smoker like last year. - For other peoples children - For going to family th...

Sarah Palin

SARAH PALIN: 11/24/2009 6:42:40 AM I like Sarah Palin! I like her politics. I like her answers she gave to FOX news. I even like her looks. She reminds me a lot of Ronald Reagan. Our country is in NEED of a person like Sarah Palin. I even purchased her book “Going Rogue.” Yesterday I spent most of my day fixing my poorly constructed city barn. There’s a little “problem” called wood rot. We live on the side of a hill and I forgot to remember to construct a guttering system. OH WELL. I consider my time spent in our backyard my therapy. I need help!

Thanksgiving week

THANKSGIVING WEEK: 11/23/2009 4:58:08 AM Here’s wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving week. Sally & I will most likely celebrate Thanksgiving week like we always do, with family & friends. Our schedule will be the same as millions of other families like to celebrate this holiday. This year I want to do the turkey right! Last year I burned the turkey on the smoker. We have many social networking sites of which I have made links to To all you nay Sayers out there .. UFF-DA !!! Please get out of my space!!! Ask me about too and read our mission statement as posted on page one of our home page. Check ‘em out


FAITH COMES BY HEARING: 11/20/2009 5:46:33 AM Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. I have just finished round two of a 40 day listening tour of the new testament here at home. My hometown Lutheran church in Bruce SD was giving out the CD’s. I picked up a copy while I was running for President last July 2008. J I’ve decided that one should NOT read the book of Revelations to the kindergarteners. The Gospel of John would be more appropriate for the kids in school. Then again, with the PC government the way it is today, just to mention GOD could land you in the slammer. Thank GOD for the Internet. My writings are all on my computer. Better get busy.


KINDNESS: 11/19/2009 5:06:17 AM One of the fruits of the spirit is kindness. Yesterday I decided to get some supplies at Lowes here in Topeka KS. I run out of gas on 29th street. I was able to limp along to the Oriental Express Café close to a gas station. The rear end of the truck was protruding out on the busy street. While standing next to my hearse wondering what to do, out come 5 or 6 big Orientals asking me if I needed a push. I was very thankful! One of the employees gave me a ride to Gregg Tire to get some gas. I was indeed very thankful to the Oriental Express employees for giving me a push away from danger. Later on the way to the downtown Y for my almost daily workout my ’95 Toyota needed some gas. While pumping the gas at 6th & Lane I had a short conversation with a disabled Veteran in need. He had only $1.35 to place fuel into his vehicle. He was trying to make it to KCMO. I felt sorry for him. So I used my card and filled up his vehicle with gas. I gave thi...

My Health

THE FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT: 11/18/2009 5:29:57 AM Here are some of the fruits of the spirit as listed in the BIBLE: LOVE – JOY – PEACE – are just a few of them. Now I yearn to read the BIBLE on a daily basis. By reading/listening to the BIBLE, does that make me better than anyone else? – ABSOLUTELY NOT! My BIBLE READING SCHEDULE: Listening to a CD from my church for ½ hour per day. Then I try to read a little bit from the old and New Testament. Yesterday I attended an American for Prosperity meeting here in Topeka. We listened to another Milton Friedman’s video about our school system. I went to a one-room grade school in Bruce SD, 1961-59. Mrs. Bombeck was my grade school teacher from grades one-through eight. I guess I came out ok. We didn’t have computers back then. My headaches and dizziness are still there. Dr. Davis wants me to go see a ear-nose-eye specialist. I agree. I also am taking medicine for diabetes and now depression. OH WELL

Elizabeth Jackson

NOVEMBER BLOG: 11/17/2009 5:15:51 AM TO SELF: This is my PUBLIC blog. This file can be uploaded to my PUBLIC writings for ALL to read. Keep it clean! I have been reading a book titled “American Lion” by Jon Meacham. Here’s is an excerpt from page 14: Andrew, if I should not see you again, I wish you to remember and treasure up some things I have already said to you: in this world you will have to make your own way. To do that you must have friends. You can make friends by being honest, and you can keep them by being steadfast. You must keep in mind that friends worth having will in the long run expect as much from you as they give to you. To forget an obligation or be ungrateful for a kindness is a base crime – not merely a fault or a sin, but an actual crime. Men guilty of it sooner or later must suffer the penalty. In personal conduct be always polite but never obsequious. None will respect you more than you respect yourself. Avoid quarrels as long as you can without yield...

It's Monday

IT’S MONDAY: 11/16/2009 6:11:30 AM Yes indeed, it’s Monday and I can still write. Sally & I have been talking about what we should do over the upcoming holidays, Thanksgiving & Christmas. We would like to have some friends over, but our home is too messy! And I don’t feel like entertaining at the moment. Maybe it’s just me. I’d be more than happy to just have Mark over and that’s it. Sally purchased a BIG turkey yesterday. I guess I’ll make another attempt to smoke it. Last year I burnt the turkey. We wanted to volunteer to work at the Expo center, but they have enough volunteers, we’ve been told. Topeka KS has an annual Thanksgiving feast from the days of a philanthropist Grant Cushinberry. I have made a link for Grant on our web. Once again, I’m hopeful

Jihad Conference in Jerusalem

Here is the speech of Geert Wilders, Chairman, Party for Freedom, the Netherlands , at the Four Seasons, New York , introducing an Alliance of Patriots and announcing the Facing Jihad Conference in Jerusalem . America as the last man standing Dear Friends, Thank you very much for inviting me. I come to America with a mission. All is not well in the old world. There is a tremendous danger looming, and it is very difficult to be optimistic. We might be in the final stages of the Islamization of Europe . This not only is a clear and present danger to the future of Europe itself, it is a threat to America and the sheer survival of the West. The United States as the last bastion of Western civilization, facing an Islamic Europe . First I will describe the situation on the ground in Europe . Then, I will say a few things about Islam. To close I will tell you about a meeting in Jerusalem . The Europe you know is changing. You have probably seen the landmarks. But in all of these cities...


WE’RE DEBT FREE!! 11/13/2009 6:39:14 AM Yes indeed … We’re DEBT FREE !! The video explains it all. Check it out WE’RE DEBT FREE!! 11/13/2009 6:39:14 AM Yes indeed … We’re DEBT FREE !! The video explains it all. Check it out

Microsoft Products & Diabetes

MICROSOFT: 11/10/2009 4:43:37 AM I think I FINALLY got the right software loaded on my laptop. .. WHEW !! What happened was I have some newer Microsoft software and the system kept asking to install it. I would rather have the older software as I’m more used to the screens. So what’s been happening in my life? Politically, our country is going in the wrong direction. I’m TRYING to do what’s right. Our little Topeka 912 project is limping along. Our little Citizens Against Illegal Immigration Topeka has been disbanded. Our RELIV business pays us exactly what we’re worth. Any direct level marketing business does not come easily. It takes work. Our church is in the process of finding another Pastor. Tonight we’re going to have a get acquainted gathering with our new intentional intern Bernie? More details to follow. Sally & I learned a little more about our disease called diabetes. We attended a diabetes training last night. I guess I can drink all the coffee in moderation....


COMPUTERS: 11/9/2009 4:20:12 AM You gotta love ‘em. Computers are what I used to run at the Post Office. I was born with a computer next to me. HA Now I need to remove Microsoft office 2000 from my laptop. How many FREE trial versions of the MS software do I want? The answer is as many as my computer can load. Now I am approaching critical mass again with my laptop. How many different versions of MS do I need? The answer is to keep the BEST version and not try to get GREEDY with the latest and greatest. I am NOT into piracy either. If the product is FREE or TRIAL basis, I’ll use it. I am NOT interested in selling pirated software or anything like that. I merely want to share our FAITH on the web. Now I have numerous email addresses on my numerous email addresses of which I don’t have a clue who they are. So I’m going to have to send these unknown email addresses an email asking them to introduce themselves. MOST of these email addresses are computer generated. They remind...

Mission Statements

WE ARE THE TOPEKA 912 PROJECT: Our Mission The Topeka 912 Project is a non-partisan group of good citizens who want good government, and are dedicated to the U.S. constitution as written and designed by our Founting Fathers. Our goal is to inform, educate and energize citizens to become active participants in every level of government, and thus make their voices heard. We are committed to fostering a forum of opportunity where “We the people” can gather, discuss and act on a variety of issues, as supported by the 9 Principles and 12 Values listed. Our Mission: Sally & I would like to share our FAITH with ALL. We share the same faith as Jesus.


PRIVATE BLOG: 11/5/2009 6:06:42 AM Thank GOD I can still write! I am going to post more columns to my PRIVATE blog. I have the FREEDOM to do so. Thanks to GOOGLE for allowing me to write FREELY. If you want to read my PRIVATE blogs/writings, you’ll need to ask me.

Sleeping in

SLEEPING IN: 11/4/2009 6:54:30 AM This retired body is FINALLY starting to sleep in. Notice the time as inserted below the subject line. We need help outside of ourselves. That’s why we call it FAITH. I named our web address my own faith 2 dot com years ago. In fact our web address will be celebrating an anniversary this month. I listen to a CD every day and also try to read scripture daily. Sally is very wise. I made some negative remarks about my family and she suggested I place this blog into a private setting. I did so. Thanks Hon. I guess I’ll post this to my public blog now.