Microsoft Products & Diabetes

11/10/2009 4:43:37 AM

I think I FINALLY got the right software loaded on my laptop. .. WHEW !!
What happened was I have some newer Microsoft software and the system kept asking to install it. I would rather have the older software as I’m more used to the screens.

So what’s been happening in my life?

Politically, our country is going in the wrong direction. I’m TRYING to do what’s right. Our little Topeka 912 project is limping along. Our little Citizens Against Illegal Immigration Topeka has been disbanded.

Our RELIV business pays us exactly what we’re worth. Any direct level marketing business does not come easily. It takes work.

Our church is in the process of finding another Pastor. Tonight we’re going to have a get acquainted gathering with our new intentional intern Bernie? More details to follow.

Sally & I learned a little more about our disease called diabetes. We attended a diabetes training last night. I guess I can drink all the coffee in moderation. More learning.

It rained last night. I’m curious as to if my little patch job worked.

I guess I’ll save this and post it to my blog.


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