Americans For Prosperity

Dear Myron,
Yesterday at 1:30 p.m. two very different meetings occurred.
On the grounds of the United States Capitol, thousands of grassroots activists from across the nation rallied in a park with the media present. Our message to the Senate was simple: "Keep your hands off our health care!" CLICK HERE FOR PICTURES
Meanwhile, at the White House, President Obama, Majority Leader Harry Reid, other liberal Senators and their special interest allies met behind closed doors to cut political deals, twist arms and plot strategy -- all to get their health care takeover bill across the finish line and out of the Senate.
At our open air rally, Laura Ingraham, Dr. Tom Coburn, Sen. Jim DeMint, Sen. Richard Burr, Sen. Johnny Isakson, Jim Martin of 60 Plus, and our Tea Party Patriot friends Jenny Beth Martin and Mark Meckler detailed our reasons for opposing this disastrous health care takeover while urging Americans to stay in the fight for our freedoms. Across the nation, thousands more Americans went to the local offices of their U.S. Senators with the same message.
Meanwhile, at the White House, the President and his political friends negotiated in secret. Cut their deals in secret. And tried to buy votes in secret.
The contrast could not be more clear. And, that's why the American people are with us.
Ever wonder if your grassroots efforts make a difference?
Well, let me give you two numbers: 61 and 44.
CNN -- hardly a conservative front group -- recently reported that 61% of the American people now OPPOSE the Washington health care "reform" effort. Support for the health care takeover is literally in free fall.
The second number: Gallup Polling Company reports that President Obama's personal approval rating is down to just 44% -- the lowest level in history for a President still in his first year.
President Obama has made this ill-advised health care takeover his top priority, and the American people are telling the President loud and clear to stop now. Sadly, he's not listening.
I could tell you so many stories from today's rally at the Capitol. But, I'll hold at just two.
As the rally ended and the thousands of activists headed for their Senators' offices to deliver their message one-on-one, a young man in a baseball cap walked up to me and said "I'm from Jersey and I closed up my pizza shop for the day to come down here to send a message. Times may be hard but I can always make up the money later and I don't want my children to live under government-run health care." With that, he introduced me to his young son.
Minutes later, a retired gentleman from North Carolina holding an American flag (a big one) came up to me, shook my hand and said, "This is the third time I've come to Washington, D.C. this year and I'll come again if I have to. I fought in Korea for freedom and now I'm fighting for freedom again. I've never quit at anything in my life and I'm too old to quit at something now!" He gave me a big bear hug and then marched off for the long ride home.
I walked back to my car with that combat veteran's words ringing in my ears, "I've never quit at anything in my life..."
He's right. We're not going to quit.
Harry Reid and President Obama and Speaker Pelosi are trying to sell "inevitability." The idea that this health care takeover cannot be stopped.
We've stopped it since the August recess, through Labor Day, then through October, then to Thanksgiving. Now, we're just over a week from Christmas.
They can be stopped. And, you and I and folks across America are the ones who are standing in the gap for our freedoms. Thank you.
PS: No matter what announcements and pronouncements come from Obama, Reid, Pelosi and company,-- keep focused on delivering our message through calls, emails, and personal visits to your Senate and House offices. And, now more than ever, get your friends to do the same. CLICK here to send this email to your friends. The Holidays are here but we've got to keep fighting.
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Americans for Prosperity® (AFP) is a nationwide organization of citizen leaders committed to advancing every individual's right to economic freedom and opportunity. AFP believes reducing the size and scope of government is the best safeguard to ensuring individual productivity and prosperity for all Americans. AFP educates and engages citizens in support of restraining state and federal government growth, and returning government to its constitutional limits. AFP has more than 900,000 members, including members in all 50 states, and 25 state chapters. More than 55,000 Americans in all 50 states have made a financial investment in AFP or AFP Foundation.
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here's the latest from the rally in DC