Rally for KS Sovereignty

Kansas State Sovereignty: PLEASE Save Jan. 15th to Rally for KS Sovereignty — This
is TOO important.
Come one come all, your chance to show your presence is now or at least on the 15th of January @ 9:30 AM in Topeka, Kansas. With the current Washington Criminals trying to shove healthcare down our-----------------or is it up our-------------------orifices we need to encourage the Topeka "gang" to do the right thing for Kansas State Sovereignty if it is at all possible, SCR 1615. Whether we have to contend with healthcare or not we still have the "Kansas Sanctuary State" problem and the amnesty bill presented by the Traitor Rep Luis Gueiterez of Illinois and his 60 supporters..........so far. While the Kansas clowns (some of them) are whining about state budgets and costs they are still allowing the Kansas invasion of illegal’s costing the state of Kansas millions, probably billions of dollars in illegal’s healthcare, education, social services etc. while taking Kansans jobs because the "usual suspects" (they are listed below for your information) support of the illegal alien legislators.
If you are not aware of what I am referring to we had an immigration bill presented two years ago, SB 458 and you will see by the list below which legislators ignored the wishes of 80%, EIGHTY% of Kansas voters over big business. They ignored the wishes of Kansas voters the same as the DC crooks are doing with the health care sham as we speak and every one of them should be voted out of office, you will get your chance this year! Thank those that voted for SB 458 and fire those that did not, look at the list and let em know they are toast. With the numbers of people attending the rallies around the USA and Kansas it appears that the folks are waking up and if you have heard the news today some of the DC crowd is already bailing out, several announcements today. We have them surrounded and they know it, we can vote them out except for states like Minnesota etc. where ACORN got Class Clown Franken in office.
This information is going out to everyone on my list so if you live out of state and know someone in Kansas please forward this to them, we need all of the help we can get if we are to be a success. See you in Topeka Kansas on the 15th.....................I hope!
Ed Hayes
Patriots Coalition VP
913 620 0771
To join Patriots Coalition contact me or go to our new and improved web site at www.patriotscoalition.com
Thank you for supporting SCR 1615, the resolution which asserts Kansas state sovereignty under the 10th amendment of the U.S. Constitution. I want to keep you informed about how this resolution is progressing, and let you know about any related legislation. (If you haven't signed up to the web page yet, and would like to do so, please go to www.pilchercook.com and click on the state sovereignty image.)
If you would rather not receive any further correspondence, please feel free to unsubscribe with the link at the bottom of the email — but if you're like me, you are deeply concerned about the direction our country is headed, and you want to know the individuals who are at work, putting hard effort into seeing that our liberty is protected.
I agreed to send the information below for "The Kansas Sovereignty Coalition."
In honor of your liberty,
Mary Pilcher Cook
13910 W. 58th Pl.
Shawnee, KS 66216
Mark your calendar to be in Topeka on January 15 to support State Sovereignty!
SCR 1615
This event is sponsored by the Kansas Sovereignty Coalition.
Contact Greg Ward at
Dear Ed,
On January 15, 2010 at 9:30 am, the Senate Judiciary Committee will conduct a hearing on the Kansas Sovereignty Resolution, SCR 1615. The hearing will be in the new Hearing Room on the 5th floor, South Wing of the Capitol building in Topeka.
It is imperative the Senate see grassroots support for the 10th Amendment if any legislation is to go forward this year. Please plan to come and show your support for SCR 1615. The hearing may take less than 60 minutes, but they may be the most important minutes of this session.
Click here to read Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 1615
Following the hearing, there will be a lunch and rally at the historic Dillon House located across the street just West of the Capitol at 404 SW 9th Street. The Kansas Sovereignty Coalition is TAKING ORDERS IN ADVANCE FOR BOX LUNCHES THAT WILL BE PROVIDED FOR A $6.00 DONATION.
So come hear from Senator Mary Pilcher-Cook and other supporters of Kansas Sovereignty. RSVP for the rally and pre-order your box lunch by simply going to www.kansastenthamendment.com website and clicking the DONATE button to use your credit card through the safe and convenient PayPal payment service.
Be sure to send your RSVP so we can provide you with a pre-printed yellow name tag. These highly visible name tags will let legislators know you support State Sovereignty. Plan to arrive at 9:00 a.m. There will be a registration table on the 5th floor of the Capitol where you will pick up your name tag.
The only entrances currently into the Capitol are at the East side and from the underground parking garage. Recommended parking is in the lot by the Judicial Center on the South side of 10th street.
Please forward this message to everyone on your email list and help spread the word.
The Kansas Sovereignty Coalition
Kansas Sovereignty Coalition | PO Box 445 | Tonganoxie | KS | 66086
To Unsubscribe, please click here.
How they voted and Oposition to SB 458
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008 11:40 AM
Jim Barnett, Emporia.
Les Donovan, Wichita.
Tim Huelskamp, Fowler.
Nick Jordan, Shawnee.
Phil Journey, Haysville.
Ralph Ostmeyer, Grinnell.
Peggy Palmer, Augusta.
Mike Petersen, Wichita.
Dennis Pyle, Hiawatha.
Mark Taddiken, Clifton.
Barbara Allen, Overland Park.
Pat Apple, Louisburg.
Karin Brownlee, Olathe.
Terry Bruce, Hutchinson.
Pete Brungardt, Salina.
Jay Scott Emler, Lindsborg.
Carolyn McGinn, Sedgwick.
Steve Morris, Hugoton.
Roger Pine, Lawrence.
Roger Reitz, Manhattan.
Derek Schmidt, Independence.
Vicki Schmidt, Topeka.
Jean Schodorf, Wichita.
Ruth Teichman, Stafford.
Dwayne Umbarger, Thayer.
John Vratil, Leawood.
Susan Wagle, Wichita.
Dennis Wilson, Overland Park.
David Wysong, Mission Hills.
Julia Lynn, Olathe.
Jim Barone, Frontenac.
Mark Gilstrap, Kansas City.
Donald Betts, Wichita.
Marci Francisco, Lawrence.
Greta Goodwin, Winfield.
David Haley, Kansas City.
Anthony Hensley, Topeka.
Laura Kelly, Topeka.
Janis Lee, Kensington.
Chris Steineger, Kansas City.
In Person Verbal Testimony- Opposing SB458
Wichita Independent Business Association, President and Kansas Independent Business Coalition President, Tim Witsman. 445 N. Waco Street, Wichita, KS 67202
Artistic Designs Lawn and Landscape Inc. HR Manager, Nestor Leon. PO Box 860576, Shawnee, Kansas, 66286. 913-888-7320
Catholic Diocese of Dodge City, Sister Gemma Doll
Hermes Company, Inc. Dalton Hermes, owner
Julie Frady
Kansas Board of Regents, Reginald L. Robinson, President, and CEO. 1000 SW Jackson, Suite 520, Topeka, KS 66612. 785-296-3421
Kansas Catholic Conference, Arch Bishop Joseph F. Naumann, D.D, 6301 Antioch, Merriam, KS 66202. 913-722-6633
Kansas Chamber of Commerce, President and CEO, Amy Blankenbiller. 835 SW Topeka, Blvd, Topeka, KS, 66612. 785-357-6321
Kansas Farm Bureau, Terry D. Holdren, National Director
Kansas Grain and Feed Assoc. Duane Simpson, CEO/Vice President. 816 SW Tyler, Suite 100, Topeka, KS, 66612. 785-234-0461
Kansas Independent Oil and Gas Assoc. David M. Dayvault, President, Abercrombie Energy, LLC. CFO, 800 SW. Jackson St. Suite 1400, Topeka KS, 66612
League of Kansas Municipalities, Sandy Jacquot, General Council. 300 SW 8th Ave. Topeka, KS, 66603. 785-354-9565.
Johnson County Government, The Johnson County Board of County Commissioners, Steward J. Little, PhD, Little Government Relations. 800 SW Jackson, Suite 914. Topeka, KS 66612. 885-235-8187.
MO/KS American Immigration Lawyers Association, Angela J. Furguson, Chairman.
Public Health Dept. Director, Joseph M. Connor. 619 Ann Ave. Kansas City, KS, 66101. 913-321-4803.
Central Plains Development, Owner, Robert A. Snyder. 3620 Sunnybrook, Wichita, KS. 67210. 316-312-3583.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church of Topeka, Sister Maria Luz Hernandez
Society for Human Resource Management, Director of Governmental Affairs, Michael P. Aitken
The Mdivani Law Firm LLC, Emily Haverkamp, Immigration Attorney. 7007 College Blvd. Suite 460, Overland Park, KS. 66212 913-317-6200 ehaverkamp@uslegalimmigration.com
The Mdivani Law Firm LLC, Mira Mdivani, Immigration Attorney, 7007 College Blvd. Suite 460, Overland Park, KS. 66212. 913-317-6200.
Kansas Business Coalition, Ally Devine
Written Testimony- Opposing SB458
United Methodist Women of the Kansas East Conference, President Sue Littrell, and Social Action, Susan G. Fowler.
Heritage Lawns LTD, Wes Ory, President
Wichita Area Builders Association, President/CEO Wess Galyon
Artistic designs lawn and landscape, Inc. Duane Lukowsky, PO Box 860576, Shawnee Kansas, 66286, 913-888-7320
Associated General Contractors of Kansas, Associate Government Affairs Director, Eric Stafford, 200 SW 33rd Street, Topeka, KS 66611, 785-266-4015
Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. HOA Chapter, Jim Kistler, President and CEO, 6950 Squibb Road, Suite 418, Mission, KS, 66202 913-831-2221
Dominican Sisters of Great Bend Kansas, Sister Rene Weeks, OP President
Grass Roots Inc. President, Lance Shelhammer, II. Olathe KS.
Topeka Kansas Chamber of Commerce, Christy Caldwell, Vice President Government Relations. topekainfo@topekachamber.org
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Greater Kansas City, President and CEO, Carlos Gomez.
Home Builders Association of Greater Kansas City, MO. 600 E. 103rd St. Kansas City, MO 64131. 816-942-8800
Home Builders Association of Greater Tulsa, Oklahoma, Paul Kane
Social Security Administration, Assistant Inspector General for the Office of Audit, Steve Schaeffer
Justice and Peace Center, Sisters of St. Joseph, Sister Esther Pineda, CSJ. Concordia, KS,
Kansas Building Industry Assoc, Inc, Executive Director, Chris Wilson
Kansas Business Coalition, Amy Blankenbiller
Kansas Cooperative Council, Executive Director, Leslie Kaufman, PO Box 1747 Hutchison, KS, 67504. 785-233-4085. council@kansasco-op.coop
Kansas Corporation Commission, Mathew A. Spurgin, Litigation Council. 1500 SW Arrowhead Rd, Topeka, KS 66604, 785-271-3100
Kansas Families for Education, Executive Director, Kathy Cook. 15941 W. 65th Street, #104 Shawnee KS, 66217. 913-825-0099
Kansas Manufactured Housing Assoc. Executive Director, Martha Smith. 3521 SW 5th Street, Topeka, KS 66606, 785-357-5256. kmha1@sbcglobal.net
Kansas Pork Association President/CEO, Tim Stoda. 2601 Farm Bureau Rd. Manhattan, KS, 66502. 785-776-0442. kpa@kspork.org
Kansas Restaurant and Hospitality Association, Don Sayler, President/CEO, 3500 N. Rock Road, Building 1300, Wichita, KS, 67226. 800-369-6787. KSREST@KRHA.ORG
Kansas Society of Human Resource Management - State Council Wichita Society of Human Resource Management, Trinidad Galdean, 8301 E. 21st Street North, Suite 370, Wichita, KS, 67206. 316-609-7900
Kansas National Education Association, Mark Desetti. 715 SW 10th Ave. Topeka, KS 66612. 785-232-8271.
Kansas League of United Latin American Citizens, Policy and Advocacy Director, Elias L.Garcia.
Community Activist, Topeka, Nancy Ochoa.
Overland Park Chamber of Commerce, Vice President of Government Relations, J. Kent Eckles. 9001 W. 110th Street, Suite 150, Overland Park, KS, 66210. 913-491-3600.
Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth, Member of Leadership Team, Sister Linda Roth
The Builders Association and Kansas City Chapter, AGC, Director of Governmental Affairs, Dan Morgan. 632 W. 39th Street, Kansas City, MO. 64111. 816-531-4741.
The Kansas Contractors Association, 316 SW 33rd Street, Topeka, KS. 66605. 785-266-4152 kca@ink.org (written)
Kansas Dept. of Health and Environment, Division of Health Cindi Treaster, Director Farm worker, Refugee and Immigrant Health
Kansas Association of Chiefs of Police, Ed Klumpp (written)
If you would like to
to Patriots Coalition
1) IN RE: the marshaling of the urban cosmopolitan vs rural farmland "Call(s) for Action":
The famous philosophic argument in the philosophy of religion - The Blind Men and the Elephant - which I first posed to you in an email from about two years ago (1/15/2007).
Harold Bloom points out (in Reality is a Shared Hallucination) how tricky it is to grasp the meaning of a fifth person who actually understands the elephant and the difficulty that person would have in changing the other four persons' points of view. (And, to begin with, Robert Anton Wilson provides the principles of argument in the "Introduction" to his Wilhelm Reich in Hell [Falcon Press reprint edition, March 1, 2007].)
If we do not take into consideration these "course corrections," then we often go on to assume the hubristic (Cf. hubris [Encyclopædia Britannica. 2009. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 07 Jan. 2010] and Philippians 2:5-7 [Amplified Bible]), God-like position that we do, indeed, understand the entire elephant!
2) IN RE: your concern with "creeping socialism:
if we take the definition of socialism (or communism [from the Merriam-Webster online dictionary]) -
"any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods"
and then compare it with the description of the earliest Christian communities as described in the Acts of the Apostles
2:41-42 That day about three thousand took him at his word, were baptized and were signed up. They committed themselves to the teaching of the apostles, the life together, the common meal, and the prayers.
2:43-45 Everyone around was in awe - all those wonders and signs done through the apostles! And all the believers lived in a wonderful harmony, holding everything in common. They sold whatever they owned and pooled their resources so that each person's need was met.
2:46-47 They followed a daily discipline of worship in the Temple followed by meals at home, every meal a celebration, exuberant and joyful, as they praised God. People in general liked what they saw. Every day their number grew as God added those who were saved.
where does that leave us?
Have a Great Day anyway!
It would be fun to see you Jan 15th.
Is MN got something going like we're doing in KS?
Myron@myownfaith2.com (a working email address too)