The Internet

3/2/2010 6:17:29 AM

The Internet is a powerful tool of communication.

Sally & I use the Internet on a daily basis.

Unfortunately, bad people also use the Internet. I’m thinking of all those 911 terrorists who have turned our country upside down. The Muslims who crashed our planes into buildings used the Internet.

So, when someone sends you an email to check out a website, BEWARE!

If the email address and/or web address is NOT known, don’t open it.

It’s OK to visit our web though.

Now I understand that that Topeka KS is on the list for high speed Internet.

That would be wonderful.

I use google daily for my blogs.


Me said…
Whose god is the one that glorifies greed, worldliness, racism, bigotry, hatred and all those things Jesus doesn't like such as hatred for the poor, pandering to the rich, and Pharisee like rigidity and intolerance?

Fundamentalist Muslims and fundamentalist conservative Christians! They are truly brother under the skin!

Topeka is full of these hate FULL folk, servants of their true father, Satan!

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