Week 13 - The Great Misunderstanding

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Dear Myron & Sally,
Week 13 - The Great Misunderstanding
We have a duty to be good managers over the blessings God provides. The great misunderstanding is that we believe we’ll get more by holding on to what we already have more tightly.
A steward is a manager, not an owner. Give the first 10% of your income to your church or favorite charity. Even if money is tight because you're working your debt snowball, you should still give something. The amount doesn't matter; blessing someone else is priceless.
Helpful Tools
Need more useful resources as you continue on your journey to financial peace?
You can get a 25% discount on Dave's subscription-based website, My Total Money Makeover. This is an incredible deal that allows you to continue using the newly upgraded budgeting tools, your debt snowball, and your journal. Plus, you can participate in a vast online community through forums and chats.
The brand-new money tools will be a valuable asset as you continue to work through the Baby Steps, keeping you accountable even in the absence of your Financial Peace class.
With the MyTotalMoneyMakeover.com upgrade, you can download all three hours of The Dave Ramsey Show commercial-free! Upgrade now!
Homework Reminder
You’ve completed FPU. Now pass on the hope to others. We have a nonprofit organization called Share It! that allows you to help empower individuals, families and students. This program combines accountability and education to help the less-fortunate to become financially self-sufficient. Your donation of a few dollars could help countless people with their finances. Learn more about the program here.
Miss this week’s class? Need a review? Purchase the lesson in the MRC, and you’ll receive a proof of completion certificate to take to your coordinator. Visit the MRC to find out more.
Share what you’ve learned with others. Start a new FPU class in your area today!
Congratulations on completing Financial Peace University!
Well, OK, I say, again, since the base of the money system is debt (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2550156453790090544#) we need to take a serious look at "Local Exchange Trading Systems" (http://www.transaction.net/money/lets/) (or some of the other "money" transaction systems listed on that last WWW page!
From St Francis's "The Poverty of Rices" we do indeed see that "the last shall be first" (http://www.biblebb.com/files/mac/sg2344.htm"
Have a Great Day!