I believe I've written to you once before in regard to Martin Luther's "A Simple Way to Pray (for a good friend [the "good friend" was his barber . . . ]) and referred you to my mullings on prayer over the past 50 years . . . .
We (Sal - my wife of many years - and I would like to share our FAITH with ALL on the web.
We have FOUR businesses through our website.
1) Sharing our FAITH on the web.
2) SHARING our RELIV business with one and all.
3) I'm a stock trader in the stock market.
4) WEEKENDERS - (Sally's clothing business)
Myron & Sally Holter
5112 SW 33rd ST
Topeka KS 66614
Subject: SHERIFF JOE IS AT IT AGAIN! To: Others should take heed of the effectiveness of Sheriff Joe. If this type response to crime were adopted, believe the crime rate would drop like a rock; our taxes would be much lower; the Fed budget could probably be balanced in no time flat! Subject: SHERIFF JOE IS AT IT AGAIN! You all remember Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona , who painted the jail cells pink and made the inmates wear pink prison garb. Well.......... SHERIFF JOE IS AT IT AGAIN! Oh, there's MUCH more to know about Sheriff Joe! Maricopa County was spending approx. $18 million dollars a year on stray animals, like cats and dogs. Sheriff Joe offered to take the department over, and the County Supervisors said okay. The animal shelters are now all staffed and operated by prisoners. They feed and care for the strays. Every animal in his care is taken out and walked twice daily. He now has prisoners who are experts in animal nutrition and behavior. They give great classes for anyo...
7/30/2008 7:53:33 AM FIRED! Yes Indeed, I got Fired! Let me explain. From my writings above, Sally & I attended an all high school reunion in Bruce SD. So I filled out a leave slip (TWICE) to leave July 21-25, 2008. I turned my request for leave in much earlier and trusted that my team manager, Paul Miller, would sign the form and approve this request. I even remember visiting with the three of us when I was “counseled” once for not telling a customer the right info. I explained to them that we were planning to leave this last week and I would be willing to work with Alorica on Saturdays to make up the difference. The chief operating manager told me verbally he would happy to approve any leave and if I wanted to make up the hours I could do so. So I take Alorica’s word for what they tell me. I do NOT even think about getting any written agreements. What ever happened to trust? Forget it! So I proceed to make up the hours I’d be missing and arrive outside my scheduled hour...
Best wishes, my good friend!
O Lord, when you favored me, you made my mountain stand firm.
Psalm 30:7
Everyday remember that GOD will sustain us through trying times. He is our rock and our salvation.
We REALLY need to turn to GOD in these trying times. Use the Internet to express your concerns.