Cecil Washington

Greetings to All:
My name is Tori Dreyer, some of you know me and some of you do not. I have been asked to become campaign manager for Cecil Washington's campaign. I am trying to organize things rapidly as we only have about 6 weeks left. Next week, Pat Roberts campaign is spearheading an advance ballot initiative all over the state of Kansas. Republican Party officials are asking us to do a literature drop for our candidate(s) in each precinct across the state within a a few days of the delivery date which is September 22nd. This is what I need from all of you and those people that you know who have volunteered to help as I am organizing the campaign into seven distinct committees: 1) Precinct Chairperson-this person will coordinate literature drop activities in each precinct by contacting precinct people and grassroots campaign volunteers via phone and e-mail to get feet on the ground all over the 53rd District.2) Letter to the Editor Campaign Organizer-this person will coordinate appointing and drafting letters to the editor from various people in Rev. Washington's district 3) Election Day Activities Chairperson-this person will coordinate both internally and externally with various campaigns to have poll watchers at every polling place in the 53rd district. Before and during election day they will gather the necessary statistical and logistical information to ensure that voters who have committed to voting for Rev. Washington actually do so. This will partially be done through the poll watchers.
In each and every one of these four groups we need support staff. If you become a chairperson/organizer for one of these groups you will need to find suitable volunteers from lists we will give you. Three committees that are already loosely formed are Signs, Mailing, and Fundraisers. It is my understanding that Mr. Stevens has volunteered to handle signage so he will be in charge of that committee. Possible people to help Parrish Stevens that have already volunteered are as follows: Richard Bodenhamer, Jack Wueffel, Shane Barkley, Joshua Powell. The other group that is loosely formed is Pat and Fred Hollomon, chaiperson(s) for Mailing. Janet Ellrod has graciously volunteered to serve as chairperson for fundraiser(s). If I have mentioned your name and you do not want to be chairpersons of the forming committees please e-mail me ASAP. I need to update Rev. Washington's website to reflect the new committee chairs. If you are hesistant to take charge of one of these committees just remember: there are PLENTY of volunteers available to help in all of these committees! If you just want to help in one of these committees let me know and I will assign you to any area you request. Thank you for you time. I look forward to meeting and working with all of you. From those of you I have met so far I find you to be outstanding, energetic and committed individuals. I know you will all do your best to ensure Cecil Washington has a victory in November! God bless all of you and don't forget to pray, pray, pray that everything goes smoothly. Please forward this e-mail to everyone you know in the 53rd District who has mentioned that would like to volunteer.

Tori L. Dreyer
Campaign Manager
Cecil Washington for State Representative
Phone Numbers: 478-4751, 215-4185


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