OSLC Midweek, October 16, 2008
Click on this link for the church calendar.
OSLC Announcements:
Quarterly meeting of the committee chairs, tonight at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Fair Trade Coffee: I will be ordering coffee for the church. If you would like me to include a case of organic coffee, whole bean coffee or organic tea for your personal use contact me by Nov. 2. I still have a few bags of whole bean and decaf if anyone wants to purchase them. Thanks, Regina Rohlfs 266-9060.
On Sunday Nov. 2 the Social Ministries Committee would like you bring donations of toiletries & personal care items for Florence Crittenton. Florence Crittenton is "home" to more than 25 at-risk girls ages 13-18. They provide a safe, stable and therapeutic environment to give each girl the tools & opportunity to change the course of her life. A list of needed items will be at the information center at church.
Fall Bazaar
October 18,
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Fall Bazaar -- The Fall Bazaar will be held this coming Saturday, October 18, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. There will be coffee and cinnamon rolls available to purchase in the concourse. Please come and see what great things we have to offer this year!! All proceeds will go to Marian Clinic with matching funds from Thrivent. For those who would like to help, there are still ways you can do that. We will be setting up the Bazaar on Friday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. We could use a few more cinnamon rolls for Saturday and if you would like to bring some, please let Charlene Swanson know either by calling her at 272-3518 or emailing her at dcswan1@cox.net. A few helpers during the Bazaar would also be helpful -- you can spend a little time or a lot -- whatever is convenient for you. See you Saturday at the Bazaar!!
Habitat for Humanity:
Chili Supper Update
Thank you to everyone who contributed in any way to the success of the Habitat for Humanity fundraiser at Christ Lutheran. It was a great time of fellowship between the churches involved. The total raised was $2,335. The money will go toward next years house since we have already met our goal for 2008.
This weekend the Adult Education Committee will be asking for your thoughts concerning the church library. There will be an insert questionnaire for you to complete and return to the office or Mike’s mail box in the fellowship hall. Your input is very important, so please take the time to fill out the form and return it to us. If you will not be at church this weekend but would still like to participate, please let me know and I can send you an email attachment that you can fill out and return to me.
For daily Bible readings and devotions, go to http://www.elca.org/prayer/devotions.html
Reminder: Area Ministry 6 Gathering at First Lutheran in Topeka, Kansas on October 19, 2008. 3 – 6 p.m.
The important conversation we began as a synod last year continues. And we hope you’ll be a part of it!
Please join us for this important conversation at the upcoming Area Ministry Gathering. Bring as many people from your congregation as you can. And bring the voices of those who can’t make it to this important gathering. Use the discussion guide we sent to your congregation (it’s also attached) to facilitate this conversation among people in your congregation and bring their responses with you.
A meal will be provided at 6 p.m. To help with the planning for the meal, please RSVP to First Lutheran, 785-272-5302 with the approximate number attending. Thanks!
Other Items of Interest:
Washburn Night for Charity Sponsored by The Doorsteppers Student Group Presents…
“Let’s Go to the Corn Maze!” A Fundraiser for Doorstep, Inc., Oct. 16 from 4-9 pm at Gary’s Berries, 5991 17th Street, Grantville, Ks. Get tickets from Doorstep or your Doorstep coordinator (Nancy Burklund). Tickets in advance are $6 Per Person, or $8 at the gate,
Experience Gary’s Corn Maze
See the Pumpkin Patch (Extra Fee for Pumpkins)
Go on a Hayrack Ride
Raffle Tickets & Items
Help Those Less Fortunate in Our Community
Visit the Gary’s Berries website for directions: http://garys-berries.com/gb/
Rainout Date – October 23, 2008
What does it mean to be a "values voter?" Has this phrase come to mean less than what it should? How should our faith and scriptures inform our involvement in political decisions? Come join us for "Voting Values and Justice: Recovering Our Lost Spiritual Traditions" on Sunday, October 19, at 6:00 p.m. at First Christian Church in Topeka, 1880 SW Gage. This nonpartisan forum is free and open to the public, and will follow a free light soup supper at 5:00 p.m. The keynote speaker will be Congressman Emanuel Cleaver from Kansas City. Cleaver is an ordained United Methodist minister and a former mayor of Kansas City, MO. After a panel briefly responds to Cleaver's remarks, questions will be taken from the audience. Sponsored by Topeka Center for Peace and Justice and Mainstream Voices of Faith. For information call 785-232-4388.
The City of Topeka’s Human Relations Commission will hold a Town Hall meeting from 6:00 to about 8:00 p.m. tonight, Thursday, October 16, at the Cyrus K. Holliday Building, 620 SE Madison, in the first-floor Conference Room. The purpose of the meeting is to raise awareness of racial profiling. The public is encouraged to attend and to share their stories with the panel and Commissioners. The following have agreed to sit on the panel for questions and comments: Renee Wiggins, Acting President, Topeka Branch-NAACP; Michael Waters, Ks. Governor Sebelius’ Task Force on Racial Profiling; Chief Ron Miller, Topeka Police Department; Dr. John Paul, Asst. Professor of Sociology, Washburn University; Rick Fischli, Racial Profiling Issues Administrator, Kansas Human Rights Commission ; Sheriff Richard Barta, Shawnee County Sheriff Office ; Community members; and members of Topeka’s Law Enforcement Partnership Panel will also attend the meeting.
Temple Beth Shalom Fall Blintz Fest, Sunday, Oct. 26 from 9 am to 1:30 pm, 4200 SW Munson in the Social Hall. All the blintzes you can eat plus a drink for one ticket. $8.00 per person. The Topeka Jazz Workshop band will play from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. Call 272-6040 for more information.
Saints & Souls: Remembering Our Loved Ones Together
Atria Hearthstone, First Church of the Nazarene, Heartland Hospice, Penwell-Gabel, Presbyterian Manor, and St. Francis Health Center have joined together to sponsor a Community Memorial Service on November 1, 2008, All Saints’ Day. This Community Memorial Service is an opportunity for our community to gather and remember those well loved Saints & Souls who are no longer by our side but will forever be in our hearts.
Rev. Dennis & Beulah Apple will be encouraging all attendees by sharing aspects of their grief journey after the death of their 18 year old son, Denny, in 1991. In his recent book, Life after the Death of My Son: What I’m Learning, Rev. Apple describes their journey of reclaiming their faith, marriage, and personal sanity. For more than 20 years, Rev. Apple has served as a staff pastor at College Church of the Nazarene in Olathe, Kansas, where he oversees recovery and support groups, senior adult ministry, and hospital visitation. During these years, he has started several support groups and continues to counsel couples and individuals who are grieving the loss of a loved one. Dennis and Beulah, live in Olathe, and have an adult son, Andrew.
This Community Service will be held at the First Church of the Nazarene on Saturday evening, November 1st. The program will start at 6:00 p.m. and conclude at 8:00 p.m. First Church is located at 1001 S.W. Buchanan St. A complimentary supper will be provided by Atria Hearthstone. Seating is limited. R.S.V.P is required by October 29th. Call Terry Frizzell at Heartland Hospice, 271-6500, to reserve your seat.
Click on this link for the church calendar.
OSLC Announcements:
Quarterly meeting of the committee chairs, tonight at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Fair Trade Coffee: I will be ordering coffee for the church. If you would like me to include a case of organic coffee, whole bean coffee or organic tea for your personal use contact me by Nov. 2. I still have a few bags of whole bean and decaf if anyone wants to purchase them. Thanks, Regina Rohlfs 266-9060.
On Sunday Nov. 2 the Social Ministries Committee would like you bring donations of toiletries & personal care items for Florence Crittenton. Florence Crittenton is "home" to more than 25 at-risk girls ages 13-18. They provide a safe, stable and therapeutic environment to give each girl the tools & opportunity to change the course of her life. A list of needed items will be at the information center at church.
Fall Bazaar
October 18,
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Fall Bazaar -- The Fall Bazaar will be held this coming Saturday, October 18, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. There will be coffee and cinnamon rolls available to purchase in the concourse. Please come and see what great things we have to offer this year!! All proceeds will go to Marian Clinic with matching funds from Thrivent. For those who would like to help, there are still ways you can do that. We will be setting up the Bazaar on Friday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. We could use a few more cinnamon rolls for Saturday and if you would like to bring some, please let Charlene Swanson know either by calling her at 272-3518 or emailing her at dcswan1@cox.net. A few helpers during the Bazaar would also be helpful -- you can spend a little time or a lot -- whatever is convenient for you. See you Saturday at the Bazaar!!
Habitat for Humanity:
Chili Supper Update
Thank you to everyone who contributed in any way to the success of the Habitat for Humanity fundraiser at Christ Lutheran. It was a great time of fellowship between the churches involved. The total raised was $2,335. The money will go toward next years house since we have already met our goal for 2008.
This weekend the Adult Education Committee will be asking for your thoughts concerning the church library. There will be an insert questionnaire for you to complete and return to the office or Mike’s mail box in the fellowship hall. Your input is very important, so please take the time to fill out the form and return it to us. If you will not be at church this weekend but would still like to participate, please let me know and I can send you an email attachment that you can fill out and return to me.
For daily Bible readings and devotions, go to http://www.elca.org/prayer/devotions.html
Reminder: Area Ministry 6 Gathering at First Lutheran in Topeka, Kansas on October 19, 2008. 3 – 6 p.m.
The important conversation we began as a synod last year continues. And we hope you’ll be a part of it!
Please join us for this important conversation at the upcoming Area Ministry Gathering. Bring as many people from your congregation as you can. And bring the voices of those who can’t make it to this important gathering. Use the discussion guide we sent to your congregation (it’s also attached) to facilitate this conversation among people in your congregation and bring their responses with you.
A meal will be provided at 6 p.m. To help with the planning for the meal, please RSVP to First Lutheran, 785-272-5302 with the approximate number attending. Thanks!
Other Items of Interest:
Washburn Night for Charity Sponsored by The Doorsteppers Student Group Presents…
“Let’s Go to the Corn Maze!” A Fundraiser for Doorstep, Inc., Oct. 16 from 4-9 pm at Gary’s Berries, 5991 17th Street, Grantville, Ks. Get tickets from Doorstep or your Doorstep coordinator (Nancy Burklund). Tickets in advance are $6 Per Person, or $8 at the gate,
Experience Gary’s Corn Maze
See the Pumpkin Patch (Extra Fee for Pumpkins)
Go on a Hayrack Ride
Raffle Tickets & Items
Help Those Less Fortunate in Our Community
Visit the Gary’s Berries website for directions: http://garys-berries.com/gb/
Rainout Date – October 23, 2008
What does it mean to be a "values voter?" Has this phrase come to mean less than what it should? How should our faith and scriptures inform our involvement in political decisions? Come join us for "Voting Values and Justice: Recovering Our Lost Spiritual Traditions" on Sunday, October 19, at 6:00 p.m. at First Christian Church in Topeka, 1880 SW Gage. This nonpartisan forum is free and open to the public, and will follow a free light soup supper at 5:00 p.m. The keynote speaker will be Congressman Emanuel Cleaver from Kansas City. Cleaver is an ordained United Methodist minister and a former mayor of Kansas City, MO. After a panel briefly responds to Cleaver's remarks, questions will be taken from the audience. Sponsored by Topeka Center for Peace and Justice and Mainstream Voices of Faith. For information call 785-232-4388.
The City of Topeka’s Human Relations Commission will hold a Town Hall meeting from 6:00 to about 8:00 p.m. tonight, Thursday, October 16, at the Cyrus K. Holliday Building, 620 SE Madison, in the first-floor Conference Room. The purpose of the meeting is to raise awareness of racial profiling. The public is encouraged to attend and to share their stories with the panel and Commissioners. The following have agreed to sit on the panel for questions and comments: Renee Wiggins, Acting President, Topeka Branch-NAACP; Michael Waters, Ks. Governor Sebelius’ Task Force on Racial Profiling; Chief Ron Miller, Topeka Police Department; Dr. John Paul, Asst. Professor of Sociology, Washburn University; Rick Fischli, Racial Profiling Issues Administrator, Kansas Human Rights Commission ; Sheriff Richard Barta, Shawnee County Sheriff Office ; Community members; and members of Topeka’s Law Enforcement Partnership Panel will also attend the meeting.
Temple Beth Shalom Fall Blintz Fest, Sunday, Oct. 26 from 9 am to 1:30 pm, 4200 SW Munson in the Social Hall. All the blintzes you can eat plus a drink for one ticket. $8.00 per person. The Topeka Jazz Workshop band will play from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. Call 272-6040 for more information.
Saints & Souls: Remembering Our Loved Ones Together
Atria Hearthstone, First Church of the Nazarene, Heartland Hospice, Penwell-Gabel, Presbyterian Manor, and St. Francis Health Center have joined together to sponsor a Community Memorial Service on November 1, 2008, All Saints’ Day. This Community Memorial Service is an opportunity for our community to gather and remember those well loved Saints & Souls who are no longer by our side but will forever be in our hearts.
Rev. Dennis & Beulah Apple will be encouraging all attendees by sharing aspects of their grief journey after the death of their 18 year old son, Denny, in 1991. In his recent book, Life after the Death of My Son: What I’m Learning, Rev. Apple describes their journey of reclaiming their faith, marriage, and personal sanity. For more than 20 years, Rev. Apple has served as a staff pastor at College Church of the Nazarene in Olathe, Kansas, where he oversees recovery and support groups, senior adult ministry, and hospital visitation. During these years, he has started several support groups and continues to counsel couples and individuals who are grieving the loss of a loved one. Dennis and Beulah, live in Olathe, and have an adult son, Andrew.
This Community Service will be held at the First Church of the Nazarene on Saturday evening, November 1st. The program will start at 6:00 p.m. and conclude at 8:00 p.m. First Church is located at 1001 S.W. Buchanan St. A complimentary supper will be provided by Atria Hearthstone. Seating is limited. R.S.V.P is required by October 29th. Call Terry Frizzell at Heartland Hospice, 271-6500, to reserve your seat.