Blame Bush

10/8/2009 6:20:34 AM

And a Good Morning to everyone reading this. I just finished watching FOX TV with Steve Doocey interviewing Jeb Bush, George Bush’s brother.

I am going to title this blog “BLAME BUSH” for everything wrong in my life.

I am blaming Bush for the following “issues” in my life:

- the retaining wall in our backyard collapsed.
- Our pastor left after two short years at our church
- My son and his lovely wife will not allow me to see my grandchild
- My headaches/dizziness continues
- My diabetes , type 2, is still there
- Our taxes are too high
- We have the most liberal administration in the history of our country.
- Our fridge runs 24/7
- Our dog died
- Our house is a mess
- The Obama czars are crooks
- The Topeka city council voted to ban smoking
- Our reliv business is going nowhere
- Jesus died on the cross for our sins
- Hurricane Katrina in 2005
- Our milk turns sour if we don’t drink it before expiration date
- My blood sugar is high
- My blood pressure is high
- My hearse is not yet ready for me
- Obamacare is dividing our country
- 11.9 trillion debt

These are SOME of the reasons we can blame Bush. Did I miss anything?


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