10/5/2009 6:26:32 AM

Yesterday Sally & I spent a nice quiet day at home celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary.

All the important people in our lives remembered our day together also. My 95-year-old mother, CeCe, called us. That was fun!

Our #2 son, Mark, and my baby sis, Julie, sent us a personal email.
We got some cards in the mail. Life doesn’t get any better than that!

We wished our pastor well as yesterday was her last day. There were a few tears shed. We’ll miss her! Our church’s web address is at if anyone wants to visit us. It’s much better to visit in person though. Pastor Meggan was with us only two years. Most ministers in the ELCA synod last more that that I’m sure. I might have to do a search on that stat. Her reasons for leaving were to spend more time with her family. I understand that completely. Like any other church, there’s dissention. We’ll need to turn to GOD in prayer for our church.



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