Dear Loretta,
Wow! What a trip.
I just flew from Denver, Colorado to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and just got settled into my hotel room.
And when I say "settled" into my hotel room, I simply mean that I am physically settled, but not exactly emotionally.
I've felt this way before.
I felt this way every time before I stepped onto the floor of the United States Congress to give the unborn my best, most passionate speech to try and sway some of my fellow members of Congress to vote for a piece of pro-life legislation I was sponsoring.
It's the feeling I get before I know I am headed to battle, a battle between good and evil, life or death for the unborn.
You see, as a member of Congress, I could easily stroll onto the floor and give a good speech about transportation, or taxes, or energy. But when I knew I would be standing up for the sacredness of human life, a knot would form in my stomach. This wouldn't just be any speech. We're talking about protecting God's children.
And tomorrow I am headed to the battlefield for the unborn in the most important war the pro-life movement has faced since Roe v. Wade.
And so that knot in my stomach is back. As easy as it would have been to stay in my warm home in Colorado and enjoy a nice Sunday evening with my family, I know that God expects more of me and so here I am, trying to prepare myself for battle.
Let me tell you about my battle plan.
Beginning tomorrow and ending Wednesday evening, I will begin a whirlwind tour of press conferences covering nine media markets that are represented by a total of 14 pro-life Democrats in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana.
You see, these 14 pro-life Democrats have been friendly to the unborn in the past. They all voted for the Stupak Amendment, and represent pro-life constituencies.
But they are under an immense amount of pressure from Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barak Obama in Washington to turn their back on the unborn, their constituents, and their consciences. They're being told it's time to put party above principle.
I've been there, too. I've been under that pressure. I've felt it. It's not fun.
And what makes sticking to your principles so much easier is when you know that your constituents have your back.
That's why local community leaders in each district will be joining me at press conferences to urge their member of Congress to truly represent them and to fight for the unborn and their mothers.
For example, Georgette Forney of Pittsburgh and co-founder of Silent No More will explain how the abortion procedure simply leads to physical and emotional health care issues. And Sharon Carey of Terre Haute, Indiana will talk about how her pregnancy care center won't be able to help as many women choose life if there are free abortions. And there are dozens more local leaders that will speak, surrounded and supported by pro-life women in their communities.
In addition to the press conferences, the Susan B. Anthony List will run nearly $50,000 in radio ads urging constituents in these targeted districts to lobby their Representative, and will even deploy robo-calls to identified pro-life voters urging them to lobby their Member to stand for life.
And through pro-life citizen lobbying, these targeted pro-life Democrats will know that their constituents have their backs.
Without a doubt, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana are the battleground for life, and I'll be entering the battle tomorrow.
Will you join me in this battle?
First, I need your prayers to help this knot in my stomach go away.
But, Loretta, I also need your immediate financial support.
The Susan B. Anthony List has gone out on a limb and is implementing this project using all of our reserve funds. Why? We can't let money determine whether or not we will save lives, so we decided to go ahead and implement our battle plan, having faith that you would help fund it.
Will you make an immediate donation -- right now -- to help fund our battle plan?
These members of Congress will determine whether or not a health care bill passes... And therefore determine whether or not our nation will have to endure the biggest expansion of abortion on-demand since Roe v. Wade! This could be our last chance to stop it.
This battle plan ensures that the pro-life constituencies in each of these 14 districts are mobilized and will send a clear message to their member of Congress: You need to represent us and our values, not Pelosi, Reid, and Obama and to be frank, their lack of values.
Please send to Heaven your prayers for the success of this whirlwind tour, and please send your immediate donation of whatever you can afford to the Susan B. Anthony List today!
Thank you for your partnership in this critical battle for life and I look forward to keeping you updated!
Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave
Director, Votes Have Consequences
Early tomorrow morning, I will begin a whirlwind tour targeting 14 pro-life Democrats in nine different media markets in three states. I'll ensure that each pro-life constituent is mobilized to urge their Representative to stand strong for life and to reject pressure from Obama, Reid, and Pelosi to go along with their "abortion for all" health care reform plan.
I don't know how this will fit into the Susan B. Anthony List's budget this year and I am counting on your immediate financial support to help fund our press conferences, radio ads, and robo-calls. I hope I can count on you, Loretta!
Copyright 2007 Susan B. Anthony List
information@sba-list.org1800 North Kent Street, Suite 1070, Arlington, VA 22209 (703) 875-3370
privacy policy
Contributions or gifts to Susan B. Anthony List, Inc., a 501(c)(4) organization, are not tax-deductible. The first $1.00 of your annual gift keeps your membership status active for an additional year.
Remove yourself from this mailing.
Dear Loretta,
Wow! What a trip.
I just flew from Denver, Colorado to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and just got settled into my hotel room.
And when I say "settled" into my hotel room, I simply mean that I am physically settled, but not exactly emotionally.
I've felt this way before.
I felt this way every time before I stepped onto the floor of the United States Congress to give the unborn my best, most passionate speech to try and sway some of my fellow members of Congress to vote for a piece of pro-life legislation I was sponsoring.
It's the feeling I get before I know I am headed to battle, a battle between good and evil, life or death for the unborn.
You see, as a member of Congress, I could easily stroll onto the floor and give a good speech about transportation, or taxes, or energy. But when I knew I would be standing up for the sacredness of human life, a knot would form in my stomach. This wouldn't just be any speech. We're talking about protecting God's children.
And tomorrow I am headed to the battlefield for the unborn in the most important war the pro-life movement has faced since Roe v. Wade.
And so that knot in my stomach is back. As easy as it would have been to stay in my warm home in Colorado and enjoy a nice Sunday evening with my family, I know that God expects more of me and so here I am, trying to prepare myself for battle.
Let me tell you about my battle plan.
Beginning tomorrow and ending Wednesday evening, I will begin a whirlwind tour of press conferences covering nine media markets that are represented by a total of 14 pro-life Democrats in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana.
You see, these 14 pro-life Democrats have been friendly to the unborn in the past. They all voted for the Stupak Amendment, and represent pro-life constituencies.
But they are under an immense amount of pressure from Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barak Obama in Washington to turn their back on the unborn, their constituents, and their consciences. They're being told it's time to put party above principle.
I've been there, too. I've been under that pressure. I've felt it. It's not fun.
And what makes sticking to your principles so much easier is when you know that your constituents have your back.
That's why local community leaders in each district will be joining me at press conferences to urge their member of Congress to truly represent them and to fight for the unborn and their mothers.
For example, Georgette Forney of Pittsburgh and co-founder of Silent No More will explain how the abortion procedure simply leads to physical and emotional health care issues. And Sharon Carey of Terre Haute, Indiana will talk about how her pregnancy care center won't be able to help as many women choose life if there are free abortions. And there are dozens more local leaders that will speak, surrounded and supported by pro-life women in their communities.
In addition to the press conferences, the Susan B. Anthony List will run nearly $50,000 in radio ads urging constituents in these targeted districts to lobby their Representative, and will even deploy robo-calls to identified pro-life voters urging them to lobby their Member to stand for life.
And through pro-life citizen lobbying, these targeted pro-life Democrats will know that their constituents have their backs.
Without a doubt, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana are the battleground for life, and I'll be entering the battle tomorrow.
Will you join me in this battle?
First, I need your prayers to help this knot in my stomach go away.
But, Loretta, I also need your immediate financial support.
The Susan B. Anthony List has gone out on a limb and is implementing this project using all of our reserve funds. Why? We can't let money determine whether or not we will save lives, so we decided to go ahead and implement our battle plan, having faith that you would help fund it.
Will you make an immediate donation -- right now -- to help fund our battle plan?
These members of Congress will determine whether or not a health care bill passes... And therefore determine whether or not our nation will have to endure the biggest expansion of abortion on-demand since Roe v. Wade! This could be our last chance to stop it.
This battle plan ensures that the pro-life constituencies in each of these 14 districts are mobilized and will send a clear message to their member of Congress: You need to represent us and our values, not Pelosi, Reid, and Obama and to be frank, their lack of values.
Please send to Heaven your prayers for the success of this whirlwind tour, and please send your immediate donation of whatever you can afford to the Susan B. Anthony List today!
Thank you for your partnership in this critical battle for life and I look forward to keeping you updated!
Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave
Director, Votes Have Consequences
Early tomorrow morning, I will begin a whirlwind tour targeting 14 pro-life Democrats in nine different media markets in three states. I'll ensure that each pro-life constituent is mobilized to urge their Representative to stand strong for life and to reject pressure from Obama, Reid, and Pelosi to go along with their "abortion for all" health care reform plan.
I don't know how this will fit into the Susan B. Anthony List's budget this year and I am counting on your immediate financial support to help fund our press conferences, radio ads, and robo-calls. I hope I can count on you, Loretta!
Copyright 2007 Susan B. Anthony List
information@sba-list.org1800 North Kent Street, Suite 1070, Arlington, VA 22209 (703) 875-3370
privacy policy
Contributions or gifts to Susan B. Anthony List, Inc., a 501(c)(4) organization, are not tax-deductible. The first $1.00 of your annual gift keeps your membership status active for an additional year.
Remove yourself from this mailing.
It's a telling comment when a personage (Susan B. Anthony - women's rights advocate and reformer) is co-opted in support of a cause that is just the opposite of her life's work (see, e. g., Work and Achievments at the University of Rochester [New York, where she lived]).
So, often in our times one is reminded of George Orwell's 1984 (cf. Animal Farm). So much so, that "Airstrip One" is almost a perfect name for our current country!
To me the whole "fetal rights" vs "reproductive rights" thing is similar to the question centered around medieval angelology (rather than medieval epistemology): How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
And, from the political and ethical perspectives, the "Keep 'em barefoot and pregnant" approach to women just doesn't carry much weight (and, again, it is a telling comment that a woman would agree with that male [or, better yet, "patriarchal"] perspective - recall the 1984 slogans: "War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength").
So, I come down heavily on the side of "reproductive rights" (especially with the burgeoning growth in population world-wide) and would then be considered on the "pro-choice" side of the debate! That is to say that a woman should have control over her fertility and the choice to continue or terminate a pregnancy. This entails the guarantee of access to sexual education; access to safe and legal abortion, contraception, and fertility treatments; and legal protection from forced abortion.
God Is With Us