The Christmas Sweater by Glen Beck

1/12/2009 5:39:04 AM


I have just finished reading a book by Glen Beck called “The Christmas Sweater.”

This book hit home in my own family life.

You see, I have not had any meaningful communication with my #1 son, John for many years. I have written about John in previous blogs. I journalize my life by writing about my almost daily experiences.

Over the last two-three years, John and I have probably seen each other maybe three – four times. I could probably count on one hand the times we have spoken to each other, either in person, email, phone or otherwise.

John will not reach out to me as a son reaches out to his father. I have tried to reach out to John, but he chooses to not reach back. There is NO communication between John and his father, me.

So what’s a father to do?

I’m asking anyone reading this blog to reply, either email or in my blog.



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