My Week In Review

Yesterday was my (un)BIRTHDAY.
Sally agreed to video tape me in my recliner and I also took a self picture and posted it on MY public blog.
Yesterday was just another retirement day.
I wrote about my thoughts for the day and posted to my blog.
What was really neat was a phone visit with my mother. She turned 95 last Nov 1,2008 and I was thrilled to hear her voice. Mom is living in a retirement center in Brookings SD called Greenleaf. She is getting more and more physically frail. Fortunately MoM has all her senses about her and she can intelligently carry on a phone conversation. CeCe (that’s what my DaD called her) and I have a mutual sense of humor. She informed me that she loves me and she even loves my weird sense of humor. I felt so honored to visit with my mother on the phone. I MISS MY MOTHER! I’m a mommy’s boy if you all may or may not know.
Another voice phone mail was from my great niece Taylor. She’s a beautiful girl. She’s maybe 5-6 years old? I’ll have to get out my family tree program and figure that out. I’m sure that her parents would be happy to have me scan her picture and write about her in my PUBLIC BLOG. … Earth to John & Kim !!
I also received a birthday phone message from brother Wes. Wes & Janet live on a lake near Ashby MN. I’ve been trying to go ice fishing with brother Wes for years. He left me a BD weather report. THANKS WES
Thursday Sally took me out at the Topeka Civic Theatre to see “Carl & Lena” It was a HOOT! If you want to learn more about this you can subscribe to our local Topeka Metro News and learn more about it. We make FUN of our NorVegun heritage you know. I blended right in with their humor. Sally asked me if I enjoyed it. I think my reply was .. ‘YA U BET” It was a normal day for me growing up on a farm in Bruce SD
Sally had forgotten about our weekly Financial Peace class at our church. Fortunately our Pastor was able to pick up our friend Carol H. We are a caring church, we help out with each other’s needs.
Speaking of being forgetful, I’m one of the most forgetful people on the planet.
I PROUDLY posted a wallet photo of our only grand child on my PUBLIC blog, forgetting that my paranoid daughter-in-law made me sign a contract not to. I had forgotten. I received yet another paranoid call from Kim to remove the “offending” image. I’m wondering how many more years that will add getting a hug from Madeline. OH WELL! One of the items on my handwritten bucket list is getting a hug from my only grandchild before I “kick the bucket”
You can see an approved video of me kicking the bucket on the web. Also yesterday, Sally interviewed me and an image/video has been posted.
Also yesterday I received the annual rotating Birthday Card from brother Dale. It is always a fun read! I’m CHEAP you know. I’ll write more about the now famous brotherly birthday card. Dale & I have been sending the SAME card since 1992. the last one still alive gets to keep it. Our writings have filled up the card.. NOW WHAT! We’re BOTH still alive.
Last night I went out to eat at Boss Hawgs. I received a birthday coupon from them. YUM YUM .. That reminds me, I better prick my fingert. Time to save this
1/24/2009 5:01:51 AM
OK .. I’m back.
YUP, I YUST pricked my finger and it’s NOT good. My diabetes’s cops will be getting after me. I need to behave! I love chocolates I love all the foods that us type 2 diabetes are not suppose to consume excessively. I know all the facts about my diabetes, I just need to take proper action.
Now getting back to my week in review. My Birthday is 012345. That’s January 23, 1945 for us NorVeguns.
I also received a phone call from cousin Wally. We had a lot of laughs. Yes, coz, I’m aware of your wife’s request to see some photos from our last reunion last July. I’ll work on making a web page and send you a picture or two. It works both ways you know. Anyway, thanks for the phone call coz.
My baby sister, Julie, called from AZ somewhere to wish me a happy birthday. She sent a vice mail to both our home # and my cell # Thanks Julie!
I received a funny card from my older sister Delpha. Thanks SIS !
I will need to call Ronny & Anitra to receive a happy birthday greeting.
Our #2 son, Mark, sent me a personal email. Thanks Son!
Conspicuously absent from my family well wishes was my prodigal son & his paranoid wife happy birthday greetings. I pray for them daily.
That’s about it for the week of Jan 18-24, 2009
If I left anything out … I could care less.
Posted: 1/24/2009 5:38:32 AM!