My Eulogy replies

FYI ..

Kyle C. used to work with me at the call center. Read my previous blogs about being fired.

Here is his email reply:

I think mine for you would say something like...

Myron Holter, master of elusive speech, passed away today at ____ years of age. His death came as an apparent murder suicide at Alorica behind which he was the mastermind and gunman. In the aftermath, he hung himself by the cord of a telephone headset under the desk of George Gillespie, who found his body three weeks later. Because there was so little left of Myron, we printed out his blogs and burned them to make up for what melted into the floor. We shall miss thee, Myron Holter, architect of the most vague answers ever given by a Sprint employee and wizard of making the customer feel as though they should hang up, try something else, and call back so they would stop speaking with you. Even with your dying act, you made the world a better place. You were my hero.



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