8/3/2008 5:18:59 AM

Citizens Against Illegal Immigration

The meeting at the Topeka Public Library was held yesterday at 2:00 PM. Paul D. presided and John D. led in prayer. There was no secretary news as we did not met last month. The treasurers report showed a balance of $144.55, no change.

There were various motions filed, with our president making a motion to disband. We voted in the negative to dissolve.

We voted to attend the Lessman farm party next month and set up booth. There was much discussion as to the procedures involved.

We unanimously voted in favor to purchase some more flyers for our new name, , and the webmaster edited the front page of the site for publication later.

There was much discussion about other items regarding immigration and how it affects our country.

Frank W. discussed his visit with Nancy Boyda, our congressional representative.

Don W. will preside the meeting in Oct 08

There will be another gun show in Oct. We need volunteers.

I tried to explain that we all have talents. My talents are blogging.
The 13 of us adjourned around 4:00 PM or earlier and agreed to meet again next month.


Myron D. Holter

PS: Filling in for the secretary, Sally J. Holter


Myron Holter said…
Changes have been made to the attached reservation. You already had August and September scheduled. I added Oct., Nov. and Dec.

We already have a signed copy of your confirmation on file so there is no need to return a signed copy of the attachment, just open it, look it over carefully, and let us know if all is not correct.

Reservation No: 10204
Customer: Citizens Against Illegal Immigration Topeka

Summary of Bookings

Date Start End Room Status
8/2/2008 2:00 PM 4:00 PM Anton Room 202 Confirmed
9/6/2008 2:00 PM 4:00 PM Menninger Room 206 Confirmed
10/4/2008 2:00 PM 4:00 PM Menninger Room 206 Confirmed
11/1/2008 2:00 PM 4:00 PM Anton Room 202 Confirmed
12/6/2008 2:00 PM 4:00 PM Anton Room 202 Confirmed

Bonnie Cuevas
Events Coordinator
Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library
Library Statistics: in 2007 over 7000 events were held at TSCPL
1515 SW 10th Ave
Topeka, KS 66604-1374
Phone: 785.580.4495
Fax: 785.580.4496
Meeting Room forms and guidelines:
Master Calendar of Events:
Catering Menu:
Myron Holter said…
Note: Myron, would you please forward a copy of this email to Mr. Hayes? Thanks.

Thank you Myron, and thank you Mr. Hayes for your support of this most important issue concerning the legitimate workers in our United States of America. I would have sent my thanks directly to you Mr. Hayes for your support and your request of others to appear at tomorrow's Topeka City Council meeting, but your email address isn't included on the email I received from Myron. I feel we're going to need all the support we can muster for this one. I'm getting major opposition, some from within the city management itself. Disgusting to me, but I guess it's to be expected.

Anyway, tomorrow evening there is a work session scheduled for 5:15 in the Topeka City Council Chamber addressing the E-Verify proposed ordinance for the city, and Professor Kobach will be making that presentation to the council. That work session is to be dedicated to the E-Verify issue so we should have an entire 45 minute period for questions any council member may have about this and it's implementation at the City of Topeka as an employer. This work session will not be televised. The televised coverage on COX cable channel 4 begins at 6:00 with the City Council meeting.

Would you please forward this to others who may be interested in speaking in support of this incredible tool the Federal Government has provided for employers in our great country to use, FREE OF CHARGE, to verify that the people they hire are actually presenting legitimate documents concerning their privilege to work in these United States?

Keeping in mind, the E-Verify program is NOT designated to detect or handle any other illegal activity such as citizenship or immigration status. This is strictly a tool to verify an individual's legality to our United States employment. This tool also cannot be used as a "screening" tool, and must be applied to all newly hired employees, thus eliminating the discrimination aspect.

The ordinance being presented tomorrow evening is applicable to the City of Topeka as an employer ONLY, and does not make law for all the other businesses in our community, except those who contract services with the city, those companies will need to subscribe and comply with E-Verify as well. Other than that, it's simply an opportunity for the City of Topeka City Council to allow the City of Topeka to be part of the leadership of employers in Topeka to make it clear we care about our jobs and want to provide them for legal workers.

The last time I checked the web site, I find there are currently 24 Topeka businesses already participating in the E-Verify program

Here is a link is to an article written by Dr. Kobach concerning this topic: I found it very interesting since he makes the connection between E-Verify and effects on our illegal immigration situation.

Just as information for the process for public speaking tomorrow evening on this matter:

If you would like to address the Topeka City Council on this, you must call the Topeka City Clerk (785-368-2570) and ask to be listed for "Public Comment on the E-Verify agenda item". You must be specific that you're listed on the E-Verify agenda item, or you'll be placed in general "public comment" which is at the end of the city council meeting, and that will be well after the vote on the E-Verify item. This phone call must be made BEFORE 5:00 tomorrow evening. If you list your name as a conferee, and decide not to speak, that's OK, but if you're not on the list, and decide you would like to speak, it won't be possible. So, if you even think you might want to speak, it would be adivsed to get on that list.

If you are going to speak, you will be limited to 4 minutes. If there are only a few individuals listed (the clerk gives each council member and the mayor a list of the names of conferee's who have signed up) to speak, it's very common for the council to extend the time couple minutes or so, but if there are quite a few names on the list of people (which I sort of expect in this case), I imagine it'll be tough to get time extentions, but it's possible.

If you feel you want to have a thought process carried through for more than 4-5 minutes, people sometime "team tag" and one speaker will begin the address to the council and when his time runs out, the next speaker sort of "continues". I don't know how these speakers arrange to appear "in order" on the list of conferees, but you can ask the clerk's office how you can be listed together if you need to arrange your comments that way.

For interested people who don't have COX cable and can't get to the actual City Council meeting, you can also watch the Topeka City Council meeting live on: and click on "Live Video from City4". I know of people in the states of Arizona and Missouri who are going to be "tuned in" to this web site tomorrow evening.

For a copy of the agenda for tomorrow night:

Thank you Myron for your support. I hope this information helps a little.

Prayer about this matter is always powerful, as our Lord Jesus Christ continues to lead our country.

With highest respect for all those you copy/paste/forward this email to, I give my heartfelt thanks.


Jack Woelfel
Topeka City Councilman - 4th District
(785) 215-3323

I don't actually know about what size of a crowd to expect tomorrow night, but I just imagine if you are wanting to get a seat in the council chamber, you should get there some time before 5:15. Maybe even a half of an hour early or so. Just my guess.

Myron, I noticed Mrs. Kennedy wasn't addressed on the cc: line of your email.


From: myron holter []
Sent: Sun 8/10/2008 9:28 PM
To: Ed Hayes
Cc: Bill Bunten; John Alcala; Sylvia Ortiz; Jack Woelfel; Bill Haynes; Deborah Swank; Brett Blackburn; Jeff Preisner; Richard Harmon; Norton Bonaparte
Subject: Re: eVerify being considered by TOP city council

Hi Ed ...

I am planning to make an appearance to speak briefly in favor of Jack Woefel's request.

I'm hoping that Kris Kobach will be there also.

Myron D. Holter
5112 SW 33rd ST
Topeka KS 66614
785-272-4986 (home)
785-220-2040 (cell)
visit us online at:

----- Original Message -----
From: Ed Hayes
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2008 8:43 PM
Subject: eVerify being considered by TOP city council

You folks in Topeka may already know of this, if not here it is. Read Roger's email in regards to the Topeka City Council meeting this coming Tuesday in regards to eVerify. This is outstanding that a city in Kansas, the Capital no less will take on and maybe require what some of our turncoats in the Kansas legislature will not, eVerify! We know the usual suspects will be there, you know the one's that have more than half of the Kansas legislature in their pocket instead of the wishes of we the people of Kansas. We need to make a showing and I will try to be there, no promises but those of you that live in and around Topeka should be if you can.

We continue to win battles but the war is still on and each baby step such as this is either a victory or a loss. With your attendance and help we can get this done.

Ed Hayes
Kansas Director
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps


Tonight on the Kris Kobach show he said that this Tuesday night, August 12th, the Topeka city council will consider requiring all new city employees and those hired under a city contract to undergo the eVerify process. He did not say what time nor exactly where they will meet. Also, it is not know just who will show up to support or oppose this.


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