My Religious committment

Dear Pastor & Staff,

8/18/2008 8:07:37 AM

After some prodding from my church friends here at OSLC and privately praying with Sal, I’ve decided to become a member of OSLC again (if you’ll accept me ) J

Let me give you a brief explanation on what transpired me to leave OUR church.

There were two political incidents our former Pastor attended here in our great city of Topeka KS.

The first event Pastor Susan attended was a city council meeting about discrimination, specifically the homosexual issues. I had NO problem with any person attending ANY public forum expressing any positions. BUT, she was wearing her clerical collar stated something like “I’m the Pastor of OSLC here in Topeka” I listened to the city council meeting and my eyebrows were raised, but I kept my thoughts to myself.

A few months later, Pastor Susan again attended a rally AGAINST the marriage amendment act here in the Capitol rotunda building. I showed up in support of the amendment passed overwhelmingly by the Kansas citizens that marriage should be between a man and a woman. Pastor Susan was again wearing her clerical collar.

The next day I called Pastor and requested a private meeting. I explained to her that she is a wonderful NURTURING Pastor and we love her dearly. We both felt uneasy I’m sure, and she knew what I was about to say.

I stated that I was very disappointed that she was wearing her clerical collar. I stated that I wanted to remove my membership and also will NOT be supporting OSLC financially. I also stated that if I hear any news that the ELCA marries a same sex relationship in any ELCA church I would never set foot in any ELCA church again. Pastor Susan respected my feelings.

Scroll to the present: I would like to be re-instated as a member of OSLC. My finances and membership are also in my hometown church in Bruce SD, Grace Lutheran.

Sally will continue to tithe to OSLC from her checkbook and I will continue to tithe to AFLC , Bruce SD.

Thank you,
Myron Holter


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