I have been doing emails with a Christ centered church in Africa. The email follows:

Of course I would like you to post it.
From: myownfaith@cox.netTo: maina104@hotmail.comSubject: Re: MISSIONS IN Kenya, AFRICA-WelcoMmeDate: Tue, 19 Aug 2008 07:49:01 -0500
.ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P
.ExternalClass BODY.EC_hmmessage
Please reply if you'd liike me to post this email to our blog.

In Christ,

----- Original Message -----

Myron &/or Sally HolterIndependant RELIV distributorsRCN # 5621505601www.myownfaith2.com/reliv/relvcomp.htm
From: Vincent Maina
To: maina104@hotmail.com
Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2008 12:11 PM
Subject: MISSIONS IN Kenya, AFRICA-WelcoMme
Christian Greetings.
Praise God fellow servants in God's Vineyard. I just found your contacts through the Internet network. By God’s grace, I have interest to get in touch with you. Since we have passion for the lost souls, and working to bring them to the Kingdom of God, minister deliverance, teaching, taking care of orphans and needy, we are seeking for a ministry/church organization and leadership with similar calling. We are seriously also seeking for established ministry to work under them as apostolic cover/partnership, as well as for them to adopt us as mission field or name assimilation.
I would like to extend an invitation so you come on missions to minister to our people in our country, Kenya, Africa. This will include: Leadership conference, evangelism, Crusade, and missions to children and other Groups. You and your team will minister to women, pastors and church leaders, needy children and general audience. It can be feasible after some quality planning time and you to do raising of necessary funds for the trip. I have in mind about December 2008 or may be April or August 2009. Let us fervently pray about it.
We will send you the contacts of reference persons and photos if you will be interested to have them. (Photos of us feeding children are attached in this mail)
I would like you to extend an invitation for me to come over to USA and attend one of your most soon events, conferences, seminars, exchange programs etc. in your church, any time starting from month of December 2008 onwards. It will help us get to know each other on personal basis.
How can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written" How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" Romans 10:14-15
We too, do have financial needs that need urgent support and commitment. we there make humble request that anyone willing to help us get motorbike for our ministry is at liberty to inquire. it costs USA $ 1000 (Kshs65000) upwards. Any interested organizations, ministries and churches can get in touch with us through address below.
Rev. Vincent Barasa MainaSr. Pastor and Director Revival Gospel Church MinistriesP. O. Box 15818 Nakuru20100 KENYA. East Africa. Tel: +254721474165 Email: rmichurch@hotmail.com http://www.kenyachurches.org/revivalgospel/http://www.freewebs.com/revivalgospelministries/http://www.myspace.com/vincentbarasa/
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