I have received permission from Mike, our church coordinator, to post the midweek church newsletter.

The following email is posted to our web:

OSLC Midweek, Aug. 14, 2008
Click on this link for the church calendar.
OSLC Announcements:
Bazaar Work Session -- The next work session will be Thursday, August 14, from 2:00-4:00 p.m. in Room A at the church. There are plenty of jobs to do so please come and help us out.

All students, teachers, administrators, and anyone else involved in education is invited to bring their backpacks, book bags, briefcases, or whatever to worship services this weekend, Aug. 16 & 17, for a special “Blessing of the Backpacks.”

The Discipleship Committee will meet next Thursday, Aug. 21 at 6:30 to the church.

Fall Clean-Up Day is August 23, beginning at 8:30 am. The Property committee wants to make the church clean and fresh for the opening of Sunday School and the 50th anniversary. Bring dust rags with you. If you have any questions, see or call Chuck Middendorf at 478-3314.

The Adult Education Committee will meet Sunday, Aug. 24 at 10:30 in Room A to begin planning the adult education calendar for the upcoming year. Anyone who is interested is encouraged to attend. The more input and participation we get, the better we can make our adult program.

Mark your calendars!! Rally Day is coming Sept. 7. Check the next “Dialog and upcoming bulletins for further details.
50 Days of Sharing
To celebrate our 50th anniversary, the Social Ministries Committee will sponsor 50 Days of Sharing, a fifty day period of sharing and giving. Please check the colored bulletin inserts each week for ideas on how you, your family, and others, can share with those in need in our community, country, and the world.

For daily Bible readings and devotions, go to http://www.elca.org/prayer/devotions.html
Shepherd’s Center of Topeka
The deadline to sign-up for September’s Adventures in Learning is Aug. 27. The registration fee of $25 includes 8 Adventures in Learning classes, 4 musical programs, 4 catered lunches, and field trips between sessions. Meetings are on Sept. 5, 12, 19, and 26 at First Baptist Church, 3033 SW MacVicar. Call 785-267-0248 for more information.
OSLC Softball
Unless there are still make-up games that I’m not aware of, the season finished up Monday evening with a win for the team. It was a lot of fun and great fellowship for all and hopefully we can do it again next year.
Other Items of Interest:
The Topeka AIDS Project Benefit Auction GALA will be Saturday, August 30. Cocktails and hors d”oeuvres begin at 6 pm in the Regency Ballroom of the Topeka Ramada Inn, 6th and I-70. For more information or reservations, go to topaids@sbcglobal.net or call 785-232-3100.
This Week in History: Follow this link to find out what happened this week in Christian/Church History. http://www.christianitytoday.com/history/features/twich


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