My Saddest moments

11/19/2008 7:37:37 AM


My laptop healed itself!J

I get back from the computer store expecting my mouse to go berserk again, causing me undue grief. WHALLA !!!, the laptop is running just fine! I can type again!

Thanks to Jim Driggers at the new location at the old Donaldson’s jewelers for doing whatever the computer staff did to fix it! My laptop is my life! I know I know, it’s still just a machine! Some people fall in love with things, like cars, guns, etc. .. I’ve fallen in love with the Internet.

Speaking of the web, I’ve updated my blog and added and to my blog.htm link.

This AM I got to thinking of the saddest I’ve been. Here’s the order of my saddest times in my 63 years of living.

Here’s my list:

1) Losing my friend Keith Loomis when I was 15 years old. I turned my life to Jesus because of his accidental horseplay death. We were going to be confirmed in the Lutheran faith in Bruce SD. I have ONE photo of Keith somewhere in one of my computers or floppy, etc.
2) My father’s death in May 1977
3) My wife’s depression
4) My son John’s illness whe n he was 21 years old.
5) Unable to see my only grand child , Madeline.

Guess I’ll post this to my public blog.


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