11/23/2008 6:51:19 AM


So many websites, so little time!

That’s the subject of my writing this AM.

I just joined a couple more social sites, and I’ll post them to my home page just as soon as I get a ROUNTTOIT. Ever see one of those tokens? A rountoit is a little wooden poker chip that says ‘TOIT” on it. Whenever I get in a procrastination mood, like all last week, I need to pull out my “tuit” button. For example, the lower bathroom still has the stool off. Imagine that! Here it’s been almost a week with ONE bathroom for two of us! Imagine what our home would be like if we had teenage daughters living with us! But I have a good excuse.. I’VE BEEN SICK! I haven’t even turned on my computer! Now that’s being sick! I have no idea what my stocks are doing, nor do I care anymore. Why go to your portfolio when you know that there’s nothing there to brag about!

The good news is, I’m feeling better and ready to blog again too. Guess I’ll post this to my public blog.


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