11/16/2008 6:34:22 AM


I’m watching FOX news and there’s a bad fire in California. What a travesty. I wonder how it got started?

Our downstairs toilet will need to be redone. The stool as plugged up and I had to call a plumber. No, I did not call Joe the plumber J I called Redman the Plumber to the tune of $85.00. But the stool is now clear and now comes a redo in our lower level. We live in a bi-level paid for home.

Today I’ve been asked to be a mentor speaker for our LYO group here at OSLC. I’m looking forward to that.

My keyboard is acting up. The right arrow key is stuck and will take over my laptop. Need to get that fixed too !! I continue to ask myself “If this computer has no emotion, why is it making me frustrated?”

Guess I post this to my public blog and gt ready for church.


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