Brewster Charity Bazaar will be held on Saturday, November 22, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. All items are hand-made and are unique. There is also a Bake Sale. The sale is held in the Main Building at Brewster and you are cordially invited to attend. All proceeds are divided between 18 selected charities in the Topeka community.

Volunteers Needed! We need one acolyte for the Thanksgiving Eve service, Wed., Nov. 26 at 7 pm. Please contact the church office if you can help.

We will be offering Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University courses beginning in January. There will be four preview sessions for you to have an opportunity to learn more about the course and to ask questions. These preview sessions will be on Sunday, Nov. 23 @ 10:30 am; Sat., Dec. 6 @ 4 pm; Sun., Dec. 7 @ 10:30; Thur., Dec. 11 @ 6:30 pm. Watch for more information in upcoming bulletins and the Dialog.


For daily Bible readings and devotions, go to http://www.elca.org/prayer/devotions.html


Midweek Next Week

I will be out of the office next week from Wed. through Fri. The Midweek will be sent out Tuesday afternoon, so if you have any announcements, please get them to me by noon on Tuesday.




Check this out!!!

Presented by the National Council of Churches USA, produced by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Native Nations, hosted by Peter Coyote, chronicles the American Indians’ struggle for civil rights, and the creation of the National Indian Lutheran Board to raise funds and awareness for that struggle. From the controversy surrounding the 1862 trial when 38 Dakota Sioux were executed in the largest single-day mass hanging in United States history, to the confrontation of the 1960s when many Indian tribes joined together to speak out with a unified voice, Native Nations tells the story of standing together for sovereignty, justice and civil rights.

Native Nations: Standing Together for Civil Rights
Topeka, KS
11/23/2008 11:30 AM


Passing Time, Saving Lives

Is your boss on your case about wasting time online? You may get a break if you explain you’re being benevolent, not lazy. At www.freerice.com a fun vocabulary game will not only test your intelligence, but for each question you answer correctly, 20 grains of rice will be donated to help end hunger. Since its launch in Oct. 2007, FreeRice has donated more than 40 billion grains of rice and fed more than 1 million hungry people. (World Ark, Nov/Dec, 2008).

I am pleased that our church is signing on to FPU. I will be a counSelor.



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