
Showing posts from December, 2008

Uncle Jay

Too Funny......Enjoy M -------------- Forwarded Message: -------------- Click on the previous web address for a good laugh

Myron's Obituary (Version ??)

Charlie is to accompany me on the way to Westlawn, west of town. Details to follow on our web. Ask me about too

Myron's Obituary (Version ?)

12/31/2008 3:20:43 PM JUST IN!! YUP .. He’s dead all right. The photo that Mark Holter just took 20 nanoseconds ago proves it! Just ignore the face. Read the hand written note stating “HE”S DEAD” Myron D. Holter, 63, died on the spot next to his hearse. His son Mark Holter was the last one to say goodbye. His dog Charlie is to be picked up by the hearse driver on the way to Westlawn Cemetery. Various versions of Myron’s obituaries and eulogies have all ready been posted on the web. Stay tuned for more details.


12/31/2008 7:38:52 AM HAPPY NEW YEAR! Yes indeed, it’s 2009. Here’s wishing everyone reading this a better 2009 than 2008. My 2008 sucked. But I’m always looking at the glass ½ full so 2009 has gotta be better. The good news for 2008 is I’m still alive, Sally is still married to me and Charlie has not died. Mark has agreed to be our caregiver someday, and we appreciate him for that knowledge. Do I have any resolutions? YES I resolve to update my web whenever I feel like it. Within our web is my hand written bucket list. Check it out if you feel like web surfing.

Aunt Ruth Final thoughts

AUNT RUTH FINAL THOUGHTS: 12/30/2008 4:36:21 AM I have inserted a photo of the sisters of my aunt Ruth. The Bergh sisters all got together last summer. My mother is very appreciative of any time she can spend with her siblings. I will post her obituary in my obit web page also. RIP my beloved Auntie.


REAR ENDED: 12/30/2008 4:04:41 AM Have you ever gotten rear ended? I have, just yesterday around 1538 military time. It happened at 29th & Fairlawn. I was just returning home from working out at the downtown YMCA and was waiting for a green arrow, when WHAMMO! .. A BIG TRUCK slammed into my rear. The trunk is ruined. My body is OK, a little neck lash, but what the heck , I’m alive to survive another day. The young man that reared me is only 19 years old and he was rather upset. He is looking for a better job, so I gave him a FPY flyer. The lady in front of me also came to check on us and I also gave her a flyer. The police arrived about an hour later, almost, I think. A police report was filled out and I am to see American Family insurance this AM to settle.


AUNT RUTH IS HOME: An email from my 1st cousin Carol. 12/29/2008 7:29:06 AM Mom has gone home peacefully in the middle of the night (just after 1am). Martha and I both were speaking and singing gently to her as she was called home. She didn’t show pain these six days since she had her stroke, just deeper breathing on the last day. Of course there is always some discomfort when laying down all day and so we kept helping her adjust her position and using many pillows, but she wasn’t agitated nor did she appear to be in pain these days. To go quickly and without pain was an answer to prayer. She had looked so well just yesterday (Sunday) morning, we wondered if she might linger on for yet another week, but around suppertime, she started giving signs that she was soon leaving us, by the color of her skin. While Martha and Aunt Thea sang to her during the church hour yesterday, she raised her hand again, as she often did through the years, joining in worship to the Lord. Did she somehow re...


12/29/2008 6:58:33 AM HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN: Yes indeed, today is our # 1 son’s birthday. Sally and I were just discussing John’s birth on Dec 29, 1970. He was born in Omaha NE. I had just been honorably discharged from the USAF last Sept 1969. We were broke! It was a very enjoyable time. We were in love and our 1st born just joined our lives. We lived on 2821 Margo St. in southern Omaha near the stockyards. I was working at Northern Natural Gas and Sally was a new mother. It doesn’t get any better than this! My brother Dale came over and I remember one picture was taken. Unlike now with the digital age, we took only pictures on special occasions. Somewhere in our home is a picture. I’ll try to find it and post it to this blog. Brother Dale and Joanne are John’s godparents. Sally & I were young then. We were also immature. We didn’t care. We were in love. We still are.

My New Year's resolved resolutions

12/28/2008 5:33:05 AM SUNDAY MORNING: Good Morning! It’s Sunday morning and all’s well. Now that Christmas activities are over, it ‘s time to think about New Year’s Eve and the beginning of 2009. Now we all need to think about our own resolutions. I too have resolutions. My resolutions are very simple. I resolve to continue trying to cross off my hand written bucket list as posted on our website. How’s that for being simple. Here’s what I’ve crossed off so far: - have Jesus in my heart always - stay married to Sal until death do us part - do not commit suicide over my prodigal son and his family - call my mother regularly - continue to pray for John & Kim to grow up and reread the fruits of the spirit - enjoy the pictures of Madeline from John’s camera - golf at will (my frozen shoulder is still frozen though) - stay retired and enjoying it - write to my blog - taking care of my type 2 diabetes - continue to market our website. - Make good hyper-links for GOOD sites - Continu... The above url can be found by going to and do a search by my name. Mr. Moen's article is in there. Xena is to be my attorney general

Myron's Presidential Aspirations

Tim Moen is Linda Willis's brother. He has endorsed me from my 2004 Presidential campaign. The following his Tim's web page. I'll need to download XENA's photo also. Tim Moen Myron, It is my distinguished honor to make a recommondation prior to your election primaries. The successful election of Myron Holter for President of the United States will send a message of resounding rejection of Bill Clinton and everything he stands for and everybody he stands with, the likes of Reno, Albright, and Shalala. America is ready for Myron Hotlers fight against government waste and fight for lower taxes and organizing job searches for the many former White House bimbos. One thing's for sure about Clinton. He sure didn't neglect domestic affairs! Myron Holter. A long needed new conservative leader. Leadership decends from character and this return to character will be a jolt to the way Washington and America see their president, along with returning the meaning of Chinese ...

The Answer

FAMILY FUN: 12/27/2008 9:59:40 AM Dear concerned citizens: A certain individual I’ll not mention has a bowel problem. I’ve heard that the problem is so bad that this individual’s BM is so bad that he has had to go to Safeway grocery to use the powerful toilet! The photo taken is the answer. Start reusing RELIV, read The Limbaugh Letter while grunting, and use the appropriate tool to break up the BIG one .. LOL Yours Truly, A concerned brother,

Aunt Ruth Billman - more

12/27/2008 7:18:22 AM Note the time, it’s SATURDAY! You know what means .. RED GREEN on pbs at 8:00 AM then Fox business news at 9:00 AM with Brenda Butner. I like to plug in the ticker symbols into my software programs while listening to them argue politics and finance. I then come to my own conclusions whether I would be willing to invest in the stocks. RUTH BILLMAN: If I repeat some stories about aunt Ruth, you’ll have to forgive me. My proof reader, Sally, is upstairs sleeping and I don’t want to awaken her just for a few typos, etc. Did you know that Herb an d Ruth spent a couple of nights at our little humble abode? Yes indeed they did. It’s been maybe 20 years ago or so. They were attending an eye seminar in Kansas City, MO and for some reason wanted to save money or maybe just wanted to see us. So they spent the night. What do we do to entertain them? We went bowling .. LOL ! Herb could barely broke 100, in fact if I remember correctly, he might have bowled a 70 or s...

Charlie & Me on Christmas Day 2008

CHARLIE & ME DEC 2008 12/26/2008 4:19:46 AM Inserted in my blog is a photo of Charlie & Me getting ready to feed the ducks and geese at 6th & Gage, Topeka Ks While Mark & Sal were enjoying the John Holter family, I was “doing my thing” So I make do will what I do. Read previous posts if you’re interested in reading about our family feud.. I can care less anymore. I just need to cross off my bucket list someday. Life is too short to carry a grudge. Our ministry is to share the gospel. Read our mission statement as posted on page one of our website. Be sure to ask us about too I also made some videos and will be posting them on yourtube also.

Aunt Ruth Memories

Aunt Ruth stories: 12/25/2008 7:45:55 AM While my aunt Ruth is on my mind, I’ll write a few things about her and the Billman family. I have known my aunt Ruth as long as I can remember. This might be a LONG blog. I believe in my previous posts that I wrote about Christmas’s past. One year during Christmas, Ruth’s mother, my grandmother Julie, was crying. I was perhaps 10 or so. I asked mom why she was crying. Mom informed me that she was crying because of not ever seeing Ruth again. She was getting ready to go do the work of the Lord as a Christian missionary. Out of all the Bergh lineage, my mother, Clarice, Audrey & Dorothy were the only ones NOT either being pastors or missionaries of some sort. Ruth was no exception. My grandma Julie died some time later. I remember like it was yesterday. These events for some reason cast a lasting memory in my then virgin mind. My childhood memories of Ruth were mostly through postal letters from her and Herb from the mission field....

Aunt Ruth update

Hello Family: My aunt Ruth is my mother's younger sister. My mother is 95, so aunt Ruth is perhaps just past 90. Her daughter Carol is keeping us updated. Here's another email on Ruth. Dear Friends, Thank you for your many words of encouragement. My mom went to deep breathing last night and through the morning, but later in the afternoon and up till now her breathing is quieter. She is not quite so flushed as she was this morning I don’t what that all means, if anything. She still squeezes our hands when we reach out to hold hers. Hospice has come today and set things up a bit for us. They taught us how to look for signs of pain – which thankfully it doesn’t appear that she has. All the immediate family has been to see her now. We have sat around talking with and singing to her. When we start to sing, she often raises her hand up in a gesture of praise! It’s amazing to see her do that, when nothing else seems to get such response from her. Many gave volunteer words of a...


MERRY CHRISTMAS! 12/25/2008 5:06:35 AM Yes Indeed, it’s Christmas Morning! What can I write about today? What else! .. The celebration of a birthday! .. JESUS! Praise GOD for sending his only SON on this earth in the form of a child , born in a manger! What greater love can GOD do for us than to bring us a baby? We celebrate joyfully. The Holter’s here in Topeka are no exception. Last night myself, Sally, Mark & Julie S. celebrated Christmas by attending services. Sally & I sing in the choir. Mark and Julie S. rode along with us. The church was packed. The service at 10 PM was also well attended. So what’s my schedule today? Well, at 9:30 AM this AM, Mark and Sally are to be at #1 prodigal sons home for a timed Christmas event. I’m sure they’ll be on a timer. I wish them enjoyment. I’ll be heading fro 6th and Gage around that time. The geese are excitedly waiting their feeding. Charlie will be helping me feed the geese. Read my previous blog for more information abo...


AUNT RUTH: An email from my 1st cousin. My mom suffered a bleeding stroke in the early hours this morning and went into a coma sometime before 7am. Her artery walls in the brain had simply become too thin and worn and so they began to leak and a large collection of blood formed. At the hospital, they did a CAT scan and said that the clot that had formed was the size of a small pear and was putting pressure on her brain and so she lost her ability to speak and is paralyzed on her right dominant side. She is squeezing our hands with her left hand regularly, but has not come out of her coma otherwise. The doctor said that they couldn’t do anything for her at the hospital that we couldn’t do for her at home, because she had signed an end stage of life statement some years back saying she didn’t want life support treatment if it wasn’t going to restore some semblance of normalcy, so she is back home now at the Towners’ home in Bloomington, where more of us can be with her and sing to her. ...


12/23/2008 5:01:57 AM PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE: Do you lead a purpose driven life? I DO. I would like to reflect on my purpose driven life in this blog article. I first lead a purpose driven life when my childhood friend Keith Loomis was killed in a tractor accident. We had just came home from a week of Bible camp together in NE South Dakota , NESODAK, and a few weeks later he was gone. I remember Les Moe driving over to the farm and asked my parents if I would be his pallbearer. We were to be confirmed later at Grace Lutheran, Bruce SD. The church since has burned down. We’re talking the fall of 1960, I was 15 at the time. I remember the first week of high school wearing a suit and walking to my friend’s funeral. I remember like it was yesterday. I cried inside. When I got home on the farm, I read myself scripture and the bible verse jumped out to me. “My peace I leave with you, not as the world gives, give I unto you” I believe that was Jesus’ return to his disciples after his 3...

My Family Feud continues

12/22/2008 4:41:01 AM GOOD MONDAY MORNING! What a wonderful day this Christmas week will be! JESUS IS BORN! I always enjoy celebrating the birth of our savior. I’ve been writing about Christmas’s present and Christmas’s past. Notice the time, it’s my favorite time to write. I just awakened Sally to go to bed, as she spent another all nighter in my recliner. See the photo in another blog entry. I would like to write one last time about my family. The bible teaches us to LOVE one another, that includes our loved ones in our immediate family. I love ALL my family. That does not mean I should like them. Currently I don’t like my prodigal son John and his paranoid wife Kim. So let me finally write about Kim in my immediate family. I’ll write this as if I’m all ready in heaven .. OK? KIM: I love you. You’re NOT evil. I told John on the phone a while back that you were evil, and to that I apologize. I’m sorry; I opened mouth and inserted foot. I’m sorry I called you evil. C...


12/21/2008 6:54:09 AM CHRISTMAS WAS .. My previous blog was titled “Christmas is ..”. This blog will be titled “Christmas was .. “ My memories of past Christmas’s were always enjoyable. I’ll try to find an old photo later. Christmas was .. Listening to Uncle John Bergh’s Christmas story on Christmas eve Snow sledding with the Iverson cousins on Christmas day Eating Lutefisk and lefsa and enjoying it. Enjoying family (siblings, parents, cousins, etc.etc.) Hunting jackrabbits and not getting killed Feeding the animals extra food (per DAD’s instructions) Doing holiday fun things Seeing my dad dressed up like Santa Going to church at 10 pm Christmas eve Opening presents Enjoying brother Dale Getting along with my sibs .. sorta Listening to my parents visit with the neighbors from our brother’s bedroom upstairs. Crying with the family over deaths (Adolph, aunt Audrey, uncle Lewis, cousins, etc.) Watching my grandma Julie cry on Christmas day .. circa 1950’s at John @ Susie Bergh My mothe...

Christmas is ...

12/21/2008 5:19:50 AM CHRISTMAS IS .. Taking a digital and posting to my blog Watching RED/GREEN on pbs Waiting for someone to decorate our fake tree Feeding the geese on 12/25/2008 Crying Wanting to see baby Jesus in person Missing my prodigal son Being nostalgic Watching other people’s kids enjoy the holiday Wishing to have a loving relationship with Madeline Being sarcastic towards those who do not know me Not caring what I post in this blog Getting off my chest what’s on my mind Enjoying the music Singing in the choir again (been sick) Calling relatives Receiving Christmas cards Getting Kim a cooking timer (with sarcastic note attached) Updating our web Playing scrabble online Going door to door for fpu Having people ask me about reliv Having people read our mission statement Sharing our faith on the web Avoiding crowds Get Sally and mark what they want in person (Christmas shopping all ready done) Call friends and relatives on the phone Send out emails Sharing our web address Chec...

Myron's Bucket list

My bucket list has been updated.

Myron's Obituary

12/20/2008 6:10:49 AM MYRON’S OBITUARY: Dear Journal: I am going to write still another version of my own demise. I will write it as if I’m all ready in heaven, IE, the 3rd person. I remember writing my first obituary back home on the farm,. SO here goes, another version, Read it and weep. Myron D. Holter, 63, died at 6th & Gage, Topeka KS while feeding the geese. His beloved Sal and BIG “M” # 2 son were opening presents at his #1 prodigal son , John, and his paranoid daughter-in-law, Kim. From receiving reports from Madeline’s text message, she reportedly received so many presents, she did not know what to do. The death report on Myron’s report read something like this. While the “FAM” was opening gifts on Dec 2008, Myron was attempting to photograph the geese. He brought his camera and his beloved Charlie. While he was excitedly filming the geese, a certain angry over protective mother goose (like Kim) did not want Myron and Charlie’s presence known. This goose started...

FAMILY FEUD (My reply to Kim)

12/19/2008 9:21:11 AM MY PUBLIC BLOG REPLY TO KIM The below url (blog) is Kim’s reply to my blog. I blog, you reply. I’m just an Internet blogger. I will insert my reply with my initials: .. mh .. Dear Myron and the rest of the family,Myron's information regarding his wrong doing is not based in thefacts. MH: I only report the facts, as I know it. Myron and I had a conversation on the telephone in themorning of the day you posted Madeline's picture to the website.During that conversation I expressed to you at least 7 times that wedid not want anything posted to your website or any other websiteconcerning Madeline. MH: I remember these conversations. You agreed that you would not post anything toyour website or any other website concerning Madeline. John was in theroom with me while I was on the telephone with you. MH: I don’t remember agreeing to any such agreement. I remember asking John if I could PROUDLY tell everyone in my email address book. This was a conversation...

Financial Peace University update

12/19/2008 6:30:09 AM FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY UPDATE: I am pleased to announce that our church will be starting a FPU class in Jan 2009. Our church secretary has inserted our web into the FPU flyer. Please note my corrected typo errors. The above url’s have been saved to my favorites.

Christmas Poem

*Twas the month before Christmas* *When all through our land,* *Not a Christian was praying* *Nor taking a stand.* *See the PC Police had taken away,* *The reason for Christmas - no one could say.* *The children were told by their schools not to sing,* *About Shepherds and Wise Men and Angels and things.* *It might hurt people's feelings, the teachers would say* * December 25th is just a ' Holiday '.* *Yet the shoppers were ready with cash, checks and credit* *Pushing folks down to the floor just to get it!* *CDs from Madonna, an X BOX, an I-pod* *Something was changing, something quite odd! * *Retailers promoted Ramadan and Kwanzaa* *In hopes to sell books by Franken & Fonda.* *As Targets were hanging their trees upside down* * At Lowe's the word Christmas - was no where to be found.* *At K-Mart and Staples and Penny's and Sears* *You won't hear the word Christmas; it won't touch your ears.* *Inclusive, sensitive, Di-ver-si-ty* *Are words that were used...

The Internet

12/18/2008 6:30:31 AM SO MANY WEBSITES.. (so little time): That’s going to be the title of my next blog. The Internet is a powerful tool of communication. For example, yesterday I asked our church secretary to run some flyers for Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. She made me some copies, but had our phone # wrong and also our web address. But not to worry.. thanks to the pen to scratch out the typo errors. I took the liberty to stamp in our reliv stamp also. Now it’s just a matter of marketing our product. Stay tuned my friends,


12/17/2008 5:18:10 AM PREPARATION: The word preparation is a very meaningful word this time of year. These are the events we can prepare for. -winter -weather Jesus Holidays Sickness Unexpected Death I am constantly turning to scripture this time of year as preparation for our Savior is all too important. The bible teaches us to prepar ye the way of the Lord, make HIS paths straight. We know NOT when HE will come again. So I’m reminded daily of what I’m doing in my daily life for the preparation of our Saviors birth and my answer is .. NOT ENOUGH! I have already prepared my Christmas shopping; it took me a little better than an hour with Mark at Wal-Mart. He wanted a wristwatch. I asked him to look over the cheapest Casio $20.00, and was is happy. Sally is getting whatever she wants within OUR budget and I’ll even help her wrap the empty box. Decorating our home is another story. I used to enjoy crawling up the house and make our home look like Chevy Chase’s “vacation.” Not any...


12/16/2008 7:24:27 AM I got my family feud letter off my chest, and I’m ready to go on. Hopefully the right people reading my public blog will reply in kind. I’m not asking for any sympathy, just want to get the facts out. Thanks for allowing me to vent.


12/15/2008 8:47:07 PM KEVIN McGINTY: I GUESS IT’S ABOUT TIME TO GET OFF MY CHEST WHAT’S BEEN BOTHER ME. I’m inspired to write about my family because of my good friend Kevin McGinty’s article in the Metro last Friday. Kevin, Thank you for this latest column. FYI, I have made a link for Kevin in our web my own faith also, as Kevin has done the same. For those of you who might know, Sally and I have two sons, John & Mark. Mark has promised to be our caregiver someday when we’re too old to take care of ourselves. In returned I willed Mark our home. Thank you Mark for being our son and accepting me, your father, just as I am. Mark has always been there for me and I love him very much. John is our first-born son. John married Kim, I think in May 2005. They have one child, Madeline Claire Holter, born on April 11, 2006. Madeline is our only grandchild. Sally is allowed to see Madeline only when she initiates the call to John.. Sally got to see Madeline last weekend to wit...

My laptop

12/14/2008 6:19:40 AM STILL BROKEN? IS MY COMPUTER STILL BROKE? I just rebooted my laptop as the keyboard was going flaky again. Guess I’ll call the comput Er store again and tell them not to give the DELL keyboard out to someone else. Myron


I think this pretty well says it like it is! I did check out Knox Machinery and Gregg is the President...check it out for yourself.________________________________ I must say I agree with Gregory Knox. Our son to the President of General Motors: Gregg, May I have your permission to circulate your letter? Love you, Mom ``````````````````````````````` I can't believe the feedback I have gotten on it I have customers asking if they can send it to everyone they know. I really just meant it to be a 2 line response, but found my spleen just flowing. Please do spread the word. Gregg````````````````````````````````````````` Abridged letter from Troy Clarke, President of General Motors - followed by a response from our son, Gregory Knox: Dear Employee, Next week, Congress and the current Administration will determine whether to provide immediate support to the domestic auto industry to help it through one of the most difficult economic times in our nation's history. Your elected offic...


12/12/2008 7:38:29 AM STILL SICK: I’ll be going to see Dr. Davis this 10 AM today. 12/13/2008 6:35:50 AM FINALLY: Finally after almost a week of low fever, coughing, nose drippings, I’m finally getting back to good physical health! The good Dr. Davis prescribed some anti-biotic for both Sal & I and we’re on the road to recovery. Pretty bad when you don’t even feel like turning on your computer. Guess I’ll send this to the folks who care.


12/11/2008 6:54:57 AM STILL SICK: Yes, I’m still sick. I’ve been sick since Sunday night. I started to feel it coming on after Christmas caroling. I have a low grade fever and a cough that’s deep inside my chest. The leaky nose is coming out clear. Sally has a similar illness, except hers is the sinus cavity. We both are sick, except I’m more sick than her. I’ve had to cancel my social engagements, Rebound therapy, choir, care giving Julie S. that’s about it! Thank GOD I’m retired and don’t have to report to an employer. So, I’m going to help Sally with our annual Christmas letter. I believe that Sally has the majority of postal addresses on her computer. I’ve been calling a few friends and acquaintenances to get the right addresses. Unlike a lot of email blasters, I refuse to participate. I might send out an email to one and all to coordinate correct postal addresses. It’s a job, but somebody’s got to do it. Guess I’ll post this to my public blog.


12/9/2008 5:10:14 AM OK, I’m starting a new folder/file named 20081209 as My laptop is acting up again. The good news is, my laptop is under warranty and the keyboard is at the computer store. What happens is I think my keyboard has a gremlin stuck in there somewhere. The word program will occasionally go crazy. Where was I? OH ya, I’m writing about my Christmas’s past. Christmas – (1945-1954): I was born 012345, that’s January 23, 1945 in a rural Estelline SD hospital. The story is that I was in a hurry to be born, and never been in a hurry since. I was raised on a farm, 4 miles north, 1 mile east of Bruce SD. I’m the fifth child, my siblings being Wes, Ronny, Dale, Adelpha, & my baby sister Julie. I believe I’ve written in earlier posts my earliest Christmas memories, so I’ll try not to repeat my writings. My Christmas’s early on were one of happiness. We were so poor that we couldn’t even pay attention. So opening presents, etc. was NOT anything to cherish. What I’ll ...

Christmas Caroling

12/8/2008 6:33:10 AM GOOD MORNING: The news is NOT good. The news at the Holter home is GOOD! WE’RE ALIVE! Other than that, we’re not so good. Sally is getting over her sickness and has now passed it on to me. So bear with me folks, as I’ve got all day to punch holes in my laptop. Last night Julie S. and I helped our church go Christmas caroling. I’ll scan our caroling schedule and post it to this blog. Pop’s was our first stop. We sang to a sleeping recipient. Pop’s daughter Charlene P. is Sally’s best friend. I’m sure Pop’s had pleasant dreams listening to our singing. Next we stopped to sing to the Olson’s. Ray was in the back bedroom. We sang to his lovely wife, Janet. She sang with us and I gave her a kiss when leaving. Our third stop was at Plaza West, singing to Howard Heuser. Howard and I have been fellow NorVegun friends fo many years. He enjoyed listening along with the other folks. Finally we sang to RB Cowhick at St. Francis Hospital. RB has just had back su...


12/7/2008 5:58:30 AM CHRISTMAS (my thoughts) Christmas used to be a fun time for me. I ask Sally the earliest she could remember her Christmas’s and we had a visit about our childhood. Let me write a little bit about my childhood and Christmas. I would say that my childhood memories about Christmas make me smile inside. The earliest recollections of Christmas were celebrating the birth of Jesus. Santa Claus was NOT part of our lives. In fact, I did NOT even know of such a fictional character until one day I went to Ronny & Anitra’s and they had a designated Santa on Christmas day. That was one of the first memories of Santa I can remember. I was probably a young teen back then. BOY! .. did I lead a sheltered life or what! But my DAD would play Santa in Bruce SD. So I was NOT completely left out. Dad used to pass out sacks of candy to the kids and I was one of the kids. Life was very simple back then. I remember my mother apologizing to me that there would be limited pres...

It's Sunday Morning

12/7/2008 5:38:22 AM IT’S SUNDAY MORNING: And all is well. Well, almost all is well. Sally got her computer back and she’s happy. I got some more tile laid in our lower bathroom. The kitchen is a little bit cleaner. My laptop is still working for blogging. My Christmas shopping is done. The geese are awaiting my presence on 12/25/8 for their annual visit from me while Sally & Mark share Christmas with my prodigal son and his family. Sally’s getting over her ailments .. almost. I am starting to get more independent on cooking. Made bratwurst last night on the stove. Didn’t even ask Sally how to do it. Spread Dave Ramsey’s flyer with our attached business card. Have Sally’s annual Christmas letter almost ready to go on email and snail mail. What else That’s about it. Post this to my public blog for the whole world to read.

A Soldier's Christmas Poem

The following is a poem from my cousin Wally. Very touching. Subject: A different Christmas poem The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light, I gazed round the room and I cherished the sight. My wife was asleep, her head on my chest, My daughter beside me, angelic in rest. Outside the snow fell, a blanket of white, Transforming the yard to a winter delight. The sparkling lights in the tree I believe, Completed the magic that was Christmas Eve. My eyelids were heavy, my breathing was deep, Secure and surrounded by love I would sleep. In perfect contentment, or so it would seem, So I slumbered, perhaps I started to dream. The sound wasn't loud, and it wasn't too near, But I opened my eyes when it tickled my ear. Perhaps just a cough, I didn't quite know, Then the Sure sound of footsteps outside in the snow. My soul gave a tremble, I struggled to hear, And I crept to the door just to see who was near. Standing out in the cold and the dark of the night, A lone figure stood...


12/6/2008 7:23:52 AM THE ECONOMY: The economy is in the tank! I’m sure I don’t have to tell you this. Is the economy effecting you? It’s affecting Sally & I. We have some retirement nest eggs with our senior financial advisor, Roger Shumaker, and it’s staying put, thank you. You can reach our advisor my getting on our web. So, what’s the answer? Here’s my suggestion. - pray - become a reliv ambassador - watch only FOX news - volunteer your time for Jesus - become a lifetime FPU member - blog with us That’s about it for today.


12/5/2008 3:01:57 AM Note the time: Yes indeed, it’s one of those early rising mornings for me. I’ve been awake since 2:30 AM and I guess I’ll write to my public blog. Yesterday was another day of frozen shoulder and care giving. I had all good intentions to finish the bathroom, but once again failed to do so. So TODAY I’m giving myself a DEADLINE! FINISH THE BATHROOM! But first I need to get some coffee. I’m sure GLAD I don’t have any money in the market! Sally has a little bit tied up with Roger Shumaker and so far it’s down about 35 %. I’m THANKFUL that we do NOT need it to stay p in our home. Our country is in a financial mess! One more reason to plug our web! We are starting a Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University program at our church. I’m passing out flyers to one and all. OK.. Guess I’ll post this to my public blog.


12/4/2008 7:42:33 AM ADVENT: The season of Advent is a season of preparation before Christmas. This is the Christian’s belief. We followers of Jesus know that. We reflect on the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus and worship our God accordingly. This is the TRUE meaning of Advent, a preparation time for Jesus’ birth. This is also the TRADITIONALIST belief like my radio/TV hero Bill O-Reilly. Mr. O-Reilly is one person I would like to emulate. But I know one must be ones self. Now we come to the SECULARIST beliefs. The folks are everything I would NOT want to emulate. Now I hear on the news that there’s an anti-Christian message posted somewhere in the statehouse grounds in Washington state. Do we live in a great country or what! Locally, our preparation for Christmas via Advent is a very simple one for me. I tell my wife to buy whatever she would like, as long as it’s within our budget. I will be preparing myself for Christmas day by feeding the geese at 6th & Gage. Sal...

Cable TV 4

12/3/2008 5:40:19 AM CITY COUNCIL MEETI NG: What happened last night? I was getting ready to listen in on Cable TV 4 and the screen went to programming! Were there any public conferees? Please reply.

Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University

12/2/2008 6:52:36 AM FPU: I am pleased to announce that our church will be offering Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University class here in Topeka KS Details to follow.

TODO LIST (20081201-06)

12/1/2008 9:00:29 AM IT’S MONDAY: Here’s my weekly “TODO” list: - lower bathroom - turkey leftovers (soup. Etc.) - promote our web - be nice to Sal - clean the kitchen - make the garage open to Sal’s van - work on my bucket list as posted on the web - post this to my public blog & get ‘er done