12/7/2008 5:58:30 AM

CHRISTMAS (my thoughts)

Christmas used to be a fun time for me.

I ask Sally the earliest she could remember her Christmas’s and we had a visit about our childhood. Let me write a little bit about my childhood and Christmas.

I would say that my childhood memories about Christmas make me smile inside.

The earliest recollections of Christmas were celebrating the birth of Jesus. Santa Claus was NOT part of our lives. In fact, I did NOT even know of such a fictional character until one day I went to Ronny & Anitra’s and they had a designated Santa on Christmas day. That was one of the first memories of Santa I can remember. I was probably a young teen back then. BOY! .. did I lead a sheltered life or what! But my DAD would play Santa in Bruce SD. So I was NOT completely left out. Dad used to pass out sacks of candy to the kids and I was one of the kids.
Life was very simple back then. I remember my mother apologizing to me that there would be limited presents under the Charlie Brown Christmas tree. I could care less. I remember my sisters giving me a present. I remember going down to the Sioux river to get ice for hand cranking homemade ice cream. I remember singing, praying a laughing with my family, Wes, Ronny, Dale, Delpha, & Julie. My parents were always loving, caring and wanted us to be happy. We were happy!! At least I was. I couldn’t speak for my family, but my Christmas memories were always one of joy! I remember DAD telling me to give a little extra silage to the cows as it’s Christmas day.

I REMEMBER (1940’S-1950’S)

- witnessing my grandmother, Julie, crying, knowing her family would be in the mission field oversees and she would not be able to see them anymore.
- Gathering the nieces, nephews in the living room for photos (somewhere on the web are these photos, taken by brother Dale)
- Great uncle John Bergh reading the Christmas story.
- Opening presents under the Charlie Brown Christmas tree placed in the living room.
- Having to recite any school recitals
- not having any wealth and not caring
- giving the animals extra food on Christmas eve
- eating lutefisk and lefsa and liking it.
- Hunting jackrabbits with my cousins and almost getting killed.

I’ll think of some more later, but first I need to post this to my public blog.


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