Christmas is ...

12/21/2008 5:19:50 AM


Taking a digital and posting to my blog
Watching RED/GREEN on pbs
Waiting for someone to decorate our fake tree
Feeding the geese on 12/25/2008
Wanting to see baby Jesus in person
Missing my prodigal son
Being nostalgic
Watching other people’s kids enjoy the holiday
Wishing to have a loving relationship with Madeline
Being sarcastic towards those who do not know me
Not caring what I post in this blog
Getting off my chest what’s on my mind
Enjoying the music
Singing in the choir again (been sick)
Calling relatives
Receiving Christmas cards
Getting Kim a cooking timer (with sarcastic note attached)
Updating our web
Playing scrabble online
Going door to door for fpu
Having people ask me about reliv
Having people read our mission statement
Sharing our faith on the web
Avoiding crowds
Get Sally and mark what they want in person (Christmas shopping all ready done)
Call friends and relatives on the phone
Send out emails
Sharing our web address
Checking our miserable financial portfolio
Enjoy FOX media
Ignore the liberal
Read The Limbaugh letter
Read scripture and have daily devotions with Sal
Taking Charlie out front to go pee on our mailbox
Ignoring the Santa stuff, but enjoying the kids on his lap
Having a quiet time to write .. like now
Answering those who blog with me
Ignoring the nay Sayers
Pray .. did I all ready write that ? worth repeating
Going to church and finally be able to sing again
Taking care of Julie S. (we’re her caregivers)
Taking cell/landline calls from folks
Deleting spam/viruses and doing what I’m trained to do .. computers
Piddling … like my father liked to do
Enjoying my retirement
Volunteering my time for worthwhile things for Jesus
Wondering where my enthusiasm for decorating went?
Not caring .. bah-humbug

These and other Christmas is .. will now be posted for ALL to enjoy , or not. Reply if you feel so inclined.

MERRY CHRISTMAS (yes, Virginia that’s a REAL email address)


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