Aunt Ruth Billman - more

12/27/2008 7:18:22 AM

Note the time, it’s SATURDAY! You know what means .. RED GREEN on pbs at 8:00 AM then Fox business news at 9:00 AM with Brenda Butner. I like to plug in the ticker symbols into my software programs while listening to them argue politics and finance. I then come to my own conclusions whether I would be willing to invest in the stocks.


If I repeat some stories about aunt Ruth, you’ll have to forgive me. My proof reader, Sally, is upstairs sleeping and I don’t want to awaken her just for a few typos, etc.

Did you know that Herb an d Ruth spent a couple of nights at our little humble abode? Yes indeed they did. It’s been maybe 20 years ago or so. They were attending an eye seminar in Kansas City, MO and for some reason wanted to save money or maybe just wanted to see us. So they spent the night. What do we do to entertain them? We went bowling .. LOL ! Herb could barely broke 100, in fact if I remember correctly, he might have bowled a 70 or so. But we had some laughs and of course, conversation around the kitchen table. Ruth was always a GREAT story teller! Herb was also a GREAT eye doctor. Did you know that Dr. Herb did my mother’s eyes? He did ! What a GREAT testimony for our Savior! Herb & Ruth and family have always had Jesus first in their lives. I admire the whole family! My maternal cousins, Bergh. Billman, Iversons, Dravlands, Steinbergs, ,etc. are all to be admired! But I’, here to write about my aunt Ruth.

We received a Christmas letter from Ruth just a week or so ago. I’ll scan her letter and make a web page.

The Bergh sisters all got together this last summer, my mother included. Cecelia Mildred (Bergh) Holter is the oldest of the Bergh sisters. Oscar and Julie (Branes) Bergh, their parents, also had a son, Oliver, who was a Lutheran pastor. Oliver and the youngest sister, Audrey, died a few years ago. I could write another book about my mothers siblings and their families. But I’m here to write about Ruth and like anything else, I need to stay focused on aunt Ruth and her life.

Ruth was only one of a few family relatives that understood me. We used to pray together. When Sally was sick, Herb & Ruth would pray with me for her return to health. Ruth would always give GOD credit and she TRUSTED in GOD always.

I’ll now post this to my public blog.


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