12/4/2008 7:42:33 AM


The season of Advent is a season of preparation before Christmas. This is the Christian’s belief. We followers of Jesus know that. We reflect on the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus and worship our God accordingly. This is the TRUE meaning of Advent, a preparation time for Jesus’ birth. This is also the TRADITIONALIST belief like my radio/TV hero Bill O-Reilly. Mr. O-Reilly is one person I would like to emulate. But I know one must be ones self.

Now we come to the SECULARIST beliefs. The folks are everything I would NOT want to emulate. Now I hear on the news that there’s an anti-Christian message posted somewhere in the statehouse grounds in Washington state. Do we live in a great country or what!

Locally, our preparation for Christmas via Advent is a very simple one for me.

I tell my wife to buy whatever she would like, as long as it’s within our budget.

I will be preparing myself for Christmas day by feeding the geese at 6th & Gage. Sally & Mark will probably exchanging gifts with the John Holter family. I am not welcome, thank you.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a lot of locally preparing to do, like getting my frozen shoulder unstuck, tending to my wife’s illness, and try to get the lower toilet hooked up.


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