Aunt Ruth update

Hello Family:

My aunt Ruth is my mother's younger sister. My mother is 95, so aunt Ruth is perhaps just past 90. Her daughter Carol is keeping us updated. Here's another email on Ruth.

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your many words of encouragement.

My mom went to deep breathing last night and through the morning, but later in the afternoon and up till now her breathing is quieter. She is not quite so flushed as she was this morning I don’t what that all means, if anything. She still squeezes our hands when we reach out to hold hers.

Hospice has come today and set things up a bit for us. They taught us how to look for signs of pain – which thankfully it doesn’t appear that she has.

All the immediate family has been to see her now. We have sat around talking with and singing to her. When we start to sing, she often raises her hand up in a gesture of praise! It’s amazing to see her do that, when nothing else seems to get such response from her. Many gave volunteer words of appreciation for my mom as we met as a family. It was very precious to see the young ones testify of what a role model/hero she has been to them.

We were almost 40 singing carols and songs about the Lord around her bed, accompanied by violin, accordion and flute! It was a joyous Christmas Eve gathering with her still with us. We have released her as a family clan to be with her Maker and individually we have told her the same, as we’ve hugged and kissed her.

Thanks for continuing to stand with us in prayer.

Carol Freeman

Dean of Women

Prof. of Christian Ministries & Cross-Cultural Comm.

Bethany College of Missions


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