Financial Peace

Financial Peace:
Last night Carol H. and I attended FPU @ our church. The Dave Ramsey’s DVD was titled “Retirement and College”.
Both of these subjects were a N/A as I am both retired and there’s no need to go to college.
But Carol was glad to attend and we had an interesting table talk afterwards.
Later, we attempted to load a Microsoft excel program on her computer. Once again it did not work.
There’s a key code missing of which Carol does not know key.
I guess I’ll need to find the original CD somewhere in my CD/DVD collections. I noticed that my product is dated 2000 and Carol’s is dated 2003 .. another challenge which I want to tackle.
Get to work
Posted: Friday, March 20, 2009
I wanted to take a brief moment to send you an important reminder and also let you know about a great contest we have going with Financial Peace this spring.
There are two reasons why now is a great time to start a Financial Peace class:
1. Tax season is here. People get to see how much they make, and most want to know where it went! While they are dealing with the stress - offer them relief! Encourage families who get refunds to invest less than $100 in their financial future by signing up for FPU.
2. In many churches, Easter is one of the biggest days for community visitors. Why not reach them at a time when everyone is worried about money?
Just shoot me your tentative start date and time for the class along with previews and you'll be all set!
Here's another reason why you should set dates...
Send me dates BEFORE APRIL 12th (Easter) for a March, April, or May class, and you'll be placed in a drawing for one of three great prizes:
• The Grand Prize: An iMac!
• First Prize: An iPod Touch!
• Second Prize: A $100 Gas Card!
You'll be entered for each class you set-up in this time frame. So just give me a call or respond to this e-mail and you'll automatically be entered. You can also set dates by clicking the FPU logo below my name.
NOTE: If you have previously given me dates for your spring class, you are already entered into the contest!
I know that those who help get FPU started give so much of their time and energy to bring hope to others. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I look forward to working with you soon!
In His service,
Jaz Boon
Church Advisor
Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University
877.378.2667 xt. 5150