Reliv Now more than ever

Recession-Proof Your Life With Relìv
Powerful New Video Shows Prospects That Relìv Is the Answer
With all the bad news out there and the promise of more to come, people are hungry for hope and a chance to control their future. As a Relìv Distributor, you can give that to them. And now you have a great new tool to get the message out.
By popular demand, Relìv has made the “Relìv — Now More Than Ever” video (aka “Four Pillars” video) available for sharing via e-mail. This powerful tool allows prospects to see in just three minutes how Relìv’s four pillars — Company, Products, Opportunity and Mission — make it the ideal solution for the problems so many people are facing right now.
You don’t even have to go to the website to get started. Just select the “Send to a Friend” button below and pass it along to everyone in your address book. This is the perfect way to introduce and re-introduce people to what Relìv is all about. The “Send to a Friend” option can also be found in “Sales & Presentation Tools” under “My Business” on the Distributor Portal. Just send the video and follow up! It’s easy. It’s free. It’s ready to go.
Whether it’s a new career, supplemental income, a secure retirement, better health or all of the above, people are looking for answers. Let them know that Relìv is the answer!
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