OSLC (Table Talk)

3/26/2009 4:30:39 AM


Week 4: Forgiving us as we are forgiven

Read Matthew 6:9-13

The purpose of Table Talk is to practice THEOLOGICAL REFLECTION. Tonight’s reflection focuses on the 4th Petition of the Lord’s Prayer: God’s radical forgiveness.

Question 3:

What do we DO with the feelings of anger, hurt, sorrow, and fear, when trying to forgive? Can we set limits and borders within forgiveness?

This table talk last night hit home to me personally. You see.. I am STILL NOT allowed to see my only grandchild, Madeline.

If you’ll visit my previous writings, both verbally and on our web, you’d see the anger within me.

I am NOT angry anymore. I turned ALL my cares to GOD and I have peace.

I have prayed to Jesus asking John & Kim to have a forgiving heart.

If you would like to visit us on the web, here’s our website.


My prayer is for me to cross off my handwritten bucket list as posted on our web.



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