Home Based Business - RELIV

3/10/2009 4:46:48 AM


Ask me about RELIV.

OK, I’ll tell you.

Reliv is a scientific patented food product that comes in a powdered form in a can.

You can only get the products from distributors like Sally & myself. You’ll NOT see any RELIV ADS in any retail markets, like Wal-Mart, etc.

Here are some common questions people have about RELIV.

Q: Are you making any money?
A: why do you ask – TRANSLATION, it’s none of your business.

Q: Is this a pyramid selling scheme?
A: NO – Check on the web for direct selling business and see how RELIV is on the star rating for honesty.

Q: Can I make any money in RELIV?
A: Absolutely YES - But like anything else in starting a business, you’ll have to work at it. We’ll help you get started. There is NO BAILOUT money involved.

Q: Does RELIV have a web?
A: Yes, www.reliv.com

Q: How do I get started?
A: Now we’re talking. We’ll teach you how to get started.

I’ll now post this to my public blog.



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