Dear God

Dear GOD:

4/19/2009 7:26:13 AM

Am I still doing everything I can for you my Lord?

Yesterday two ladies from the Jehovah Witnesses knocked on our door. Sally knew right away who it was and asked me to answer the door. The ladies were very nice in their solicitation for their religion. Of course they knew our web address as posted on a magnetic sign on my car. They have their own agenda. I will NOT get into any arguments with these folks. I accepted their literature and if I had a bird cage, it would make nice bedding.
But I may attend one of their meetings for entertainment purposes only of course.

This last week with Kim Borchers had a tea party. I was able to attend. Sally met me their later. I was able to take a bunch of pictures and even able to video a street preachers prayer. The prayer is now on the Internet. Surf on over.

Dear Jesus, you are NO #1 my life. Our homepage has remained the same since day one. Our mission statement is the same. Thank you for dying on the cross for US! Sometimes I forget to pray daily my Lord, but you know my heart.

I silently pray for my #1 prodigal son, John, and his lovely wife, Kim. You know their hearts my Lord. Please run interference for me sweet Jesus! I’m only asking for a little help there. My bucket list is still there.

I need some help Lord in scratching off my bucket list.

Your servant,



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