10/22/2008 4:37:44 AM


Roger Shumaker is our senior financial advisor. Sally & I trust him with HER money. Yesterday we had a meeting with Roger and we discussed Sally’s money. I just listened. Roger likes to talk. In any event, Roger is of the opinion that our country’s finance will rebound. I share Roger’s sentiment. The glass is ½ full, and so are our finances. We’ve lost some money in the market, but we’re still eating and have each other. What more could one ask for?

Yesterday I also started my physical therapy for my left shoulder. The official word for my ailment is cemented capsulitis or something like that. I call it “frozen” shoulder. I explained to the therapist my symptoms. I now have to do some more exercises at home.

So many appointments, so little time. Guess I’ll need to resurrect my calendar… NAAW, I’ve my my official scheduler right next to me, named Sally.

I called the IRS the other day to find out why our taxes were rejected. I forgot to turn in the 2006 taxes! OH WELL !!! The good news, we’re getting money back.

Better get busy



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