
11/24/2009 1:25:37 PM

Here are SOME of the things I am Thankful for:

- Jesus dying for me
- Sally, my wife of many years
- The Internet
- Our Friends
- My family
- My mother CeCe Holter
- For being a Holter
- For having a sense of humor
- For being FREE
- For having Charlie (our dog) for 11 ½ years
- For the liberals who blog with me on cjonline (you know who you are)
- For Mark Holter
- For John Holter
- For Madeline Holter
- For the mother of Madeline giving birth to our only grandchild
- For Dave Ramsey
- For our OSLC friends
- For my parents for instilling in me Christian values.
- For my military service to our Country.
- For Rush Limbaugh/Sean Hannity/Bill O-Reilly & Fox news
- For talk radio
- For our founding fathers
- For my siblings and their families
- For my being who I am .. whatever that might be
- For having a purpose driven life.
- For NOT burning the turkey on the smoker like last year.
- For other peoples children
- For going to family therapy to eventually fill out my bucket list
- For
- For Rita Rookstool
- For
- For having a singing voice to the glory of GOD
- For my cousins – Wally-Davey, etc.
- For blogging

These and many other Thanks are what’s on my mind at the present.

Signing off,


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