6/29/2008 5:39:47 AM


What can I say? There’s so much gong on this world my head is spinning. Thankfully I’ve got Jesus in my life to keep my head from spinning out of control. J

I guess I have a way with words.

Tomorrow Sally is going in to Stormont Vail to have some fluid removed from her lungs. She’s been reading about the procedure on the web and is concerned. Please keep Sally on your prayer list.

Last week my cousin rolled over in her bed and died. She was only 12 years old. My nephew Lance lives in the same community and will probably be sending more info to us via email.

I’m trying to set up a weekly luncheon with my two sons, John & Mark., For just a little father son bonding. Last Thursday Mark was able to go with me to the downtowner café here in Topeka. John had other commitments. For those not in the know, John & I are having some “issues” that need to be resolved. Enough said. Hopefully you all reading this have printed off my bucket list as posted on our web.
I hate my job at Alorica. I ask daily in prayer why am I still working at a job I don’t like. I can do my job and everything, it’s the management and their policies & procedures I’m having difficulty with. Why do we have to feel guilty about going to the bathroom. The place reminds me of a grade school setting with the teacher ordering us around. Or is it just I? Perhaps in the near future Roger & I can convince Sal how we can better utilize my time. I want to QUIT Alorica. I get headaches daily form there and it’s just not worth it to work there anymore. My good buddy Ron W. told me that also. He could see it in my silent ways of behavior. So, convincing Sal that to get out of debt might require a little bit of financial commitment from her 401K.

My mother is doing wonderful! I try to call her at the assisted living weekly. She is due for another call soon, perhaps today.

Me? .. I’m just plugging along. I pass out our business card whenever the need arises. I need to work it smarter though. Instead of passing out our card, we should be one in return. It’s called planting the seed.


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