Christian Conservative Blogger

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I would like to gives thanks to for allowing us techy webmasters to build websites worthy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

This is Myron Holter writing of Topeka KS USA Our web address is

I have just created a new web address listed above. We are CHRISTIANS! If anyone gives me grief for that statement I’ll hit you over the head with my bible J.

Sally & I are also CONSERVATIVES. I guess that puts us in the minority. The radical left is controlling our country. The Obama administration is leading us to a socialistic government. I for one am a tea bagger

We’re also BLOGGERS. What does that mean? The word “blog” is not even listed in the dictionary! In short, it’s just another computer word, like writer.

I’ll now post this to my newly created “blog”.


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