Christmas Caroling

12/8/2008 6:33:10 AM

The news is NOT good. The news at the Holter home is GOOD! WE’RE ALIVE! Other than that, we’re not so good. Sally is getting over her sickness and has now passed it on to me. So bear with me folks, as I’ve got all day to punch holes in my laptop.

Last night Julie S. and I helped our church go Christmas caroling. I’ll scan our caroling schedule and post it to this blog. Pop’s was our first stop. We sang to a sleeping recipient. Pop’s daughter Charlene P. is Sally’s best friend. I’m sure Pop’s had pleasant dreams listening to our singing.

Next we stopped to sing to the Olson’s. Ray was in the back bedroom. We sang to his lovely wife, Janet. She sang with us and I gave her a kiss when leaving.

Our third stop was at Plaza West, singing to Howard Heuser. Howard and I have been fellow NorVegun friends fo many years. He enjoyed listening along with the other folks.

Finally we sang to RB Cowhick at St. Francis Hospital. RB has just had back surgery. Unfortunately, I had to stay with Julie S. in the lobby as her blood sugar was down to 32. She needed some food and drink to get her back to normal. Julie S. has type I diabetes and I have type II so I can relate. So I missed out on singing to RB, but that’s OK. Avis Cowhick is a goddess in our church. She does SO many volunteer opportunities in our community. Anyone who states that there’s NOTHING TO DO IN TOPEKA, should follow Avis!

That’s about it for my day yesterday. Pretty boring , no?

OH YA, I almost forgot, The chiefs lost too. Brother Dale still owes me as the Bronco’s did not go over the spread.


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